Morning all...I was just reading in Luke 7:50 when Jesus said to the women "Your faith has saved you, Go in peace"...I then stopped reading and searched what the word faith meant, yes I know walking with our Lord you would think I know the meaning, but I wanted to find out because Jesus said to her to go , that her faith had saved her, I did not understand how she was saved as He had not died yet, and when I found out what faith meant in the bible, and who gave me faith, my heart lept for Joy, and Ephesians 2:8-9 came alive for me...I know it may sound really silly to some, but now my walking with the Lord these past 22 months has all come together for me, I have saving faith, a gift from God hence Ephesians 2:8-9...Knowing this has now took a doubting nagging away from me, I feel secure knowing my faith is not something I have made up, my faith is real, my saving faith is real, I am not pretending, I truly am a Daughter of God, I truly am adopted, I truly do live in Christ, I truly am saved, my heart is Joyful, my life has just become so secure in Him, my Lord , my King, my everything...I can not believe these past 22 months I have been living in my faith , my gift from God but at times letting doubt come in that made me blow from side to side, I would then try harder to build my faith ( Works ) but I do not have to do that, I have a gift from God, one that He will not take back , now I can live in my gift knowing that I can grow in Him, He does all the stretching, He gave me faith the size of a mustard seed, today I grew a branch...Praise the Lord my soul, I shall shout from the roof tops all the wonderful things You O my God has and are doing for me, Praise the Lord \o/...xox...