Originally Posted by
Many people do create new names after they have been gone for awhile so it's not a bad thing.
I can understand that. That might be more common then we think.
I asked in brown about this to Meggido so maybe when he sees this he can answer it. I get the feeling that he might have been here on CC before but only he knows that for sure. People can have many reasons to stopping and then starting a new account.
It's not a bad thing the way some can try to make it out to be....
Hi Grace777, while we are on the subject of stopping and starting a new account at Christianchat.com; I was previously here on Chrstianchat "as"
TruthTalk, five years ago but my location was in Thailand, (a retiree). Then I got my prostate cancer diagnosis and I had to drop out, (in good standing). Three years ago my wife and I returned to USA to further my treatments; now after much prayer from our Church and family plus excellent medical treatment, God has graciously put his hand upon my life and extended my years here on terra firma, praise God.
I will add fifteen years to your life, and I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for My own sake and for My servant David's sake."
Last July 17, 2017, I signed up to CC with the same screen name, TruthTalk, and checked in at the front gate with newcomers and made my plea that I was once here before under the same name but had to leave but know I wish to join up again with all of you wonderful folks here on CC.
I was not a well known poster here and mostly just got my feet wet reading with an occasional post. Some may remember me but likely many do not, I do recall E-grateful was one of my favorite posters at that time, yes its true. I just recently notice that "Resurrection33"
has been banned and I was totally shocked because he seemed like such a kind and gentle person and I away's enjoyed his sometimes humorous posts - wish he could return some day some with or without his same screen name.
Why do I say all of this; because I want everyone to know publicly that,
I once was; but now I am again; and my previous time here at CC was a good experience not bad. I had never been banned, I could not sign into my old account on my new computer so that I made a new account on a new computer -
same old screen name. No excuses, it just is. If anyone thinks I have done wrong please let me know. This is the second public message I have made concerning my new account.
Thank you and God bless you again!