The truth is that good Christian men and women do exist, but those of us who say they don't are more than likely finding excuses to write them off. I recently listened to a good talk on this subject by Dr. Henry Cloud who addresses this topic specifically. We too often have a list of standards that are way too rigid and disqualify a lot of people who could potentially wake up parts of us we didn't know were there if we took the time to talk to them. And the piece of advice I found most helpful was to stop looking for a spouse and simply focus on getting to know other people. When you find the right person to marry, you will know. You don't have to make it your goal at the outset to find that person.
The moral of the story? Be intentional with those Christian men and women that do exist in your life, and get to know them. Quit sitting passively sitting back and waiting for someone to come to you. If you do that, all the Christian men and women out there will seem invisible.