I think that implies that the other Churches were not misusing or abusing TONGUES, nor were they confusing the pagan style of ecstatic utterances for genuine TONGUES. I think the major reason why the Church at Corinth was so easily confused is they were raised around those Mystery Religion Temples, and from Plato's excitement about it, labeling it "Divine Ectasy", I am quite sure, just like here, it generated a lot of heated debates with their neighbors; and the Greeks LOVED their Debates. I am sure comments like: "Well we have the genuine gift of Tongues, because we worship Christ." And they did not realize or even bother to do a comparison check like I did, discovering that the two were identical.
You know, I really hope God doesn't count these sort of comments as blaspheming the Holy Spirit. If you really believe the Bible, you should know from the text that Paul is talking about a genuine spiritual gifts. Look at I Corinthians 14:13. Let him who speaks in an unknown tongue, pray tha the may interpret.
If these were pagan utterances, why would Paul want the pagan utterances interpreted? How would the church be edified by some pagan utterance of the Dionysis cult?
And where does I Corinthians 12-14 indicate that the Corinthians were even speaking in an ecstacy? Is there even a single reference to ecstacy in the passage?
I read a post by a guy who apparently studied a lot about the Egyptian god Horus. He had this whole theory based on a reference to a Horite in Genesis, that Abraham was a Horite, which he interpreted as a Horus worshipper. He connected Abraham's marriage to Egyptian priestly marriage customs. The problem is, Horus was a false pagan god, one of the detestible gods of the Egyptians that Yahweh triumphed over with the plagues poured out on Egypt.
I see your posts and the source you quoted as the same sort of thing. You take something that is of god, and try to explain it as having origins in demonism and idolatry. That is a truly dark thing to do. It is wrong to do so.
It is wrong to describe a gift of the Spirit as coming from pagan sources, when you can read the Bible right in front of you and see that it is talking about a gift of the Spirit.
I can find all kinds of quotes about paganism. But that doesn't mean I interpret the Bible through paganism. I don't claim that Jesus is Tamuz. That would be blasphemy. The Bible speaks of Leviathan, but I would not equate God with Baal. This is the same kind of garbage you are doing with speaking in tongues in Corinth. There is no reference to pagan tongues. I Corinthians 14 deals with genuine tongues, encouraging the Corinthians to exercise the gift in an orderly manner with interpretation when in the assembly. There is no reference to a false gift in the entire passage. We shouldn't read a false pagan tongue into the passage any more than we should equate our Lord with some false god out of some false mythology. It's the same sort of thing.
Why would Paul spend so much time in I Corinthians laying out his case that tongues needed to be interpreted to edify the assembly if the tongues he was talking about were pagan? Do you realize how wicked idolatry is? How bad it is to have fellowship with demons? How could you attribute a spiritual gift, in the Bible, a gift Paul wants interpreted, to false gods? This is wickedness?
I urge you to repent.