Do tell! Hunting stories are what threads like this are made for.
Ok, (we thought this was funny, anyway) my sister and I both hunt, but we're both a bit squeamish about blood, and that kind of stuff (though we do suck it up and field-dress/butcher our own deer, house rule). My horror of having to do a finishing shot likely makes me bag less deer, but it sure makes me a more humane hunter. I've never had to finish a deer of my own, and since seeing my dad finish one I've vowed I'd never have to do all that tracking/finishing stuff.
Last year my sister and I were sitting double in the stand, when a nice little doe walked out. My sister was closer so she carefully raised her gun...bang! Her infamous back-bone shot. Down but not dead. I was horrified. No one here to finish it. But we can't just let it suffer! I'm going to have to get down there, shoot that thing at close range just because of some that moment, it got up and turned broadside to me as it was about to crawl into the woods. So I raised my gun, took about two seconds to aim, and shot it. Perfect heart-lung and it dropped like a stone. My shot was literally within 20 seconds of hers, I didn't hear anything, didn't feel the kick, I barely remember even getting a sight-picture, but I DO remember that my sister said, "NICE." and I think I told the 30-06 that I loved it...
But the funniest part of the whole thing was by far my Dad's reaction when he came with the truck to help us haul it.
Dad "who shot it?"
Sister, "Uh, we did."
Dad "what?"
Me "She shot it. I just finished it."
Sister "she finished it from the stand"
Dad "She WHAT?"
We explained the whole story, and I think he was actually a little miffed that he had never gotten a chance to do that kind of thing
He was kinda grumbling about "easiest finishing shot ever."