The Catholic Church teaches the same things as taught by the Apostles...
^ Lolol. Entertaining to say the least for the historically aware and properly educated. Allow me to interject two facts into this delusion of yours: 'fraud' and a 'fabricated history' for those are pillars upon which the modern RCC stands.
Normally I'm sensitive to Catholics because the majority of them are sincere, many of them have found salvation in Christ and are not relying upon a religious organization for their salvation, and share biblical morality with me (despite the flaws in RCC epistemology, theology, and exegesis). Indeed, there certainly are Catholics (both Roman and Eastern) that I genuinely like and respect on this forum and I have joined their side of debates on numerous occasions when people came against them with information that was not accurate.
in your case I'm going to make an exception. The reasons for this are due to your ignorance, pride, and nasty disposition. While this will be painful for you, it should be quite informative for everyone else. Let's begin with a Christian Protestant apologist's statement:
"Such was the ambition of most of those who were scrambling onto the alleged throne of Peter and at times warring with one another to gain it. Using the name of Christ and piously making the sign of the cross, they labored mightily to satisfy their lust for power and pleasure and wealth. No justification for making themselves the absolute and infallible rulers over the Church, much less the world, could be found in the writings of the early Fathers and certainly not in Scripture.
Therefore the popes had to find other support. The means they chose was to rewrite history by manufacturing allegedly historical documents. The first of these bold forgeries was The Donation of Constantine. It was followed by pseudo-Isidorian Decretals, which were early papal decrees allegedly compiled by Archbishop Isidore (560-636) but actually fabricated in the ninth century. These frauds became the foundation for much "tradition" still relied upon today.
Catholic historian J.H. Ignaz von Dollinger writes that prior 'to the time of the Isidorian Decretals no serious attempt was made anywhere to introduce the Roman theory of infallibility. The popes did not dream of laying claim to such a privilege."
He goes on to explain that these fraudulent Decretals would gradually, but surely, change the whole constitution and government of the [Roman Catholic] Church. It would be difficult to find in all history a second instance of so successful and yet so clumsy a forgery.
Catholic Historians themselves exposed the fraud and fabrications but it didn't matter for the principles introduced and brought into practice on the basis of the forgeries took such deep root in the soil of the [Roman Catholic] Church, that the exposure of the fraud produced no result in shaking the dominant system.
The Isidorian Decretals involved about a hundred concocted decrees allegedly promulgated by the earliest popes, along with counterfeit writings of supposed Church authorities and synods. These fabrications were just what Nicholas I (858-67) needed to justify his claims that the popes "held the place of God on earth" with absolute authority over kings, including even the right to "command massacres" of [even Christian believers] who opposed them and all in the name of Christ.
The popes who followed Nicholas were only too happy to emulate his ways, and each of them used his predecessors' actions to justify his own, thus building an ever-larger case for infallibility, but upon a fraudulent foundation. Writing in the nineteenth century, Church historian R.W. Thompson, himself a Catholic, comments:
'Such times as these were adapted to the practice of any kind of imposture and fraud which the popes and clergy considered necessary to strengthen the authority of the papacy... the personal interest [and] ambition of Innocent III led him to preserve all these forgeries with care, so that... the "pious fraud" might become sanctified by time... The result he hoped and sought for has been accomplished.'
[These] false Decretals, which are now universally considered to have been bold and unblushing forgeries constitute the cornerstone of that enormous system of wrong and usurpation which has since been built up by the papacy, to revive which Pope Pius IX has now put forth his Encyclical and Syllabus [of Errors].
Devout Catholics would be shocked to learn that much of the 'apostolic tradition' they have been told supports Roman Catholicism (and is to be regarded upon the same level as scripture) was actually a deliberately manufactured fraud.
The doctrines built upon these forgeries became so interwoven into Catholicism that even after the hoax was exposed the popes were reluctant to make the necessary corrections. Pope after infallible pope endorsed the counterfeit. To make a clean break from centuries of accumulated lies would tear apart the very fabric of Roman Catholicism.
Pope Pius IX relied upon the fraud, though it had already been exposed for three centuries, to build his case for pressuring the bishops to make papal infallibility an official dogma at Vatican I. But the testimony of history conclusively refutes both apostolic succession and papal infallibility."
Just a taste of the fraud and fabricated history the RCC has built its modern edifice on. But since you like the term "psychotic hate speech" so much, to see what that really looks like one need venture no further than the RCC's numerous anathemas against Christians.
Born again Christians whom are "in Christ" are condemned by the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) in over 100 anathemas pronounced against us by the RCC Councils of Trent and Vatican II. The RCC considers their "condemnations" against Christians who are not members of the RCC still in effect today (even if some RCC members themselves do not) and the RCC asserts that their "condemnations" can only be lifted if a Christian returns in submission to the authority of the pope and the RCC.
The truth, of course, is that there is only one door to enter the church (1) and that door is Jesus Christ. He alone, by His Holy Spirit, admits people into His church no matter their membership, or lack of, in any Protestant or Catholic religious organization/church.
And afterwards, "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." -Romans 8:1-5.
(Note Romans 8:9 which states that if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he [that person] does not belong to Him [Jesus Christ] no matter their membership, or lack of, in any Protestant or Catholic religious organization/church).
"So then brethren we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh for if you are living according to the flesh you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him." -Romans 8:12-17.
When by faith one receives the initial act of salvation (justification), at that very instant he or she is sealed by the Holy Spirit, baptized into the body of Christ, redeemed, regenerated, born again, adopted into God's family, reconciled to God, and forgiven of sin based on the mediation and atonement of Christ. All of these saving acts are made possible only because of the substitutionary death of Jesus on behalf of our sins, whereby the Just died for the unjust in order that God's justice may be satisfied and His mercy justify the unjust.
But salvation does not end with a single act of justification; this is only the first stage, by which one is saved from the penalty of sin. Salvation also involves a lifelong process of sanctification, by which we are saved from the power of sin. At death, our redemption climaxes with an act of glorification that saves us from the very presence of sin. At this point we will see God face-to-face (in the Beatific Vision) and become like Him, for then we shall see Him as He is.
The RCC is completely amiss in their "psychotic hate speech" condemnations of us whom are "in Christ" and members of the "kingdom of God" which they constructed from the materials of fraud and fabrication.
(1) Believers joined to Christ's spiritual body by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:13) at the moment of regeneration (Titus 3:3-6) when they individually place their faith in the Lord Jesus as their Savior (Acts 16:31).
only gets worse for you moving forward kepha. Everyone else, enjoy the show and I hope you learn a thing or two
