I thought it was obvious. Apparently you were so busy lashing out that you missed it. The topic is about Catholic Heresy and Pat wrote an article referencing the uber-important Papal 12 page report some participants are likening to the historic Second
Vatican Council.
Pope Francis at the
Vatican is calling for the RCC to welcome and accept gay people, unmarried couples and those who have divorced, as well as the children of these less traditional families.
12-page report, written by a committee picked by Francis, says that without abandoning church teaching on the sacrament of marriage, pastors should recognize that there are “positive aspects of civil unions and cohabitation.” That is a striking departure from traditional Catholic preaching that such couples are “living in sin.”
The report states that gay people have “gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community,” and that some gay couples provide each other “mutual aid to the point of sacrifice” and “precious support in the life of the partners.”
People engaged in serious sexual immorality such as homosexuality, fornication, adultery, etc... are soon to be free to openly live lives of sweeping sexual immorality in the RCC.
Yet Jesus didn't spend time with sinners simply for their company. He
always met them with an expectation for their
repentance and change (e.g. salvation-->sanctification-->glorification) whom He often instructed to "go and sin no more."
^Scripture doesn't teach that sanctification is replaced by immorality in Christ's body His church for whoever wants to reject God's holiness and immerse themselves in wickedness but still be part of the church enjoying the fellowship. Hence, the quandary moral rank and file Catholics are increasingly finding themselves in.
"Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction." -2 Thessalonians 2:3.
"As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it also be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man." -Matthew 24:37.
"Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God's people." -Ephesians 5:3
Etc... etc... etc...
There are only two forces that hold back the sexually immoral from giving themselves completely over to their sin and they are rejection by society and the non-negotiable unalterable repudiation and teachings of God's church rooted in God's holiness which is an extension of his very character.
When society no longer rejects sin as abnormal and fully accepts and encourages it and the church no longer practices the New Testament model (for an example read 1 Corinthians 5) but instead fully accepts the sexually immoral AND their sexual immorality in the assembly: there no longer exists the historical hindering force.
What you're observing is these two roadblocks presently being incrementally swept away. This is prophecy coming to pass.
Those of us who stand for God's love AND holiness and follow the New Testament in our personal lives and in our assemblies grow fewer and are increasingly looked upon as "out of step" with an enlightened society and a more relevant church. The split between what will become the apostate church and God's true church living victoriously until Christ's return is but a hairline but that split will come.
And when it does the lovers of sensuous pleasures in the apostate church that accepts their "lifestyles" will eventually far outnumber the lovers of God. The result, of course, will be a social revolt against God's uncompromising true church.
No matter. We will be a thorn in the side of the harlot church stinging and searing the consciences of apostates by our devotion to God and His holiness and uncompromising truth until the end of the age.
So don't just get your fact straight but get your life straight too instead of posting up on the wrong side and lashing out at those of us who are on the right side.