Don't listen to these false teachers, God made Eve for Adam and God joins two souls if He finds it pleasing.
Nothing is too hard for God.
Delight in the Lord and avoid these godless people that tell you that God cannot give, they don't have His Word abiding in them nor know the truthfulness of the same.
8 And the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 ->
Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. <-
Let me ask you all fakers that claim that God cannot give and boast in your pride of intellect: who said Babylon will take away Israel as captives and it happened ?
Who said: Let there be Light and Light was ?
Who makes people bad or good looking in the heart of others, a horror or a blessing to be beheld ?
Who says be fruitful and multiply and it happens ?
God can make you a wife out of a rock if He has it in His intention and Word for you, more beautiful and living than any one of these fakers and mockers that do not know His Spirit nor power. Do what is pleasing for God (help the helpless, feed the hungry, preach Righteousness, praise Him, relieve the oppressed) and He will surely bless you with the best, not with your intellect but it will happen as He intends it purely.