It's fine and dandy to never get married. But what's your game plan on dealing with things like porn and knowing that if you stay single, you are never, E.V.E.R. allowed to have any form of sexual expression for the rest of your life? Even for singles who don't outwardly mention it, this is usually the question that's always hinging in their minds (at least from my experience in the single Christian community.)
I'm not sure if I responded to this or not, but your question is pertinent. How, indeed, does a Christian who's determined to stay unmarried deal with their sexual drive?
I think for some people it has less hold on them than others, and those folks don't want the hassles of getting married (I think there may be other issues there, but that's for another thread). For me, it's got a stronger hold, and there's no new Mrs Gojira in sight.
This is one of the main reasons I want to remarry. (Oh I can hear all the criticisms now.) Sex was an important part of my marriage -- which was solid, by the way. I want to have that again, and soon (by human standards, not God's, since God's "soon" is slightly different

), but right now, ugh, it ain't looking so good.
How have I dealt with it? I sinned, mostly mentally. And I battled. I lost some, won some. That up and down cycle has followed me through my entire Christian life. I have never found a "cure" for it. That battle I hate, and it is why I call the sex drive the enemy of the single Christian. It is not a good thing.
I will say this: After a slightly heightened commitment to Christ in 2012, God removed something from me that was antagonizing me. It might have been demonic, or maybe just some part of
me. But, whatever it was, it was now gone. A habit (not porn, but enslaving and leading to sexual sin nonetheless) was gone. Poof. Knocked out of existence.
Instantly. And, certain habits a single man might have were reduced by 50%.
So, I still battle with my internal enemy, the sexual urge, but it has less power over me than it did.
But... why endure this if you can find a good mate? I had a good marriage, and hope for one again before I'm too old to know my name.