Thank you so much for the encouraging words, Lady Magenta. If you ever find an online test for introvert/extrovert (I keep wanting to say outrovert, lol) that doesn't require selling our souls, please let us know! That would be a fascinating discussion.
It seems introverts are seen as always living within their own shell, but God seems to have made me able to blast out of my shell at full force at times -- most especially online, BUT, in order to do that, I have to have lots of "in shell" time in between.
I think the other thing God made me to do was to try to see things from another's point of view, remembering the times I've felt socially awkward, unsure of how to join in, etc., then try to ease that discomfort for other people. I'm especially concerned about helping other introverts -- lifelong or, like you, discovered over time -- build connections we all need, but sometimes find in unconventional ways (writing and online!)
I always find your story fascinating. My family is minute compared to yours and I'm always amazed at how large families, practically their own village, find ways to adjust. I don't see you as being selfish at all, rather, I think as we get older, we learn more about how to preserve ourselves, rather than let everyone else run us ragged like when we're younger.
I think life is a lot like being on an airplane -- in case of emergencies (or when we're depleted,) we're not really told to fit and adjust our own oxygen mask before trying to help others with theirs. Rather, especially in the church, we're told that the answer is to give give give, serve serve serve, pray harder, study longer, more more more... When what many of us seem to discover what we really need -- is time for just God and us, in our own unique ways.
I very much enjoy that you are able to witness to people here on a level and about things in life I can't speak on because I don't have the experience. Serious, heartbreaking things that you understand in a unique way because God brought you through them. I often see a post here and there and then see you show up, and I'm thinking, "If anyone can get through to this person, it's Lady Magenta!" Your life is exquisite proof that God uses everything we go through for His higher, divine purpose.
I love that you can stand up to some of the people who come here who are rough around the edges, not always because they're trying to cause trouble, but sometimes because they're genuinely searching -- which can involve a lot of anger -- and you understand that process.
Not to mention, of course, your colorful and uplifting artwork, which helps many of us who are greatly affected by graphics and color!
I'm sure I'm not the only one here who feels better after seeing some of your creations among the threads.

Sometimes it's just the colors alone that minister to me and make me feel refreshed, even before I read the panel.
Thank you so much for all the time you spend here, sharing your stories and talents! 💖🙏💒