Again I'm not a Biden supporter but you have to admit some of it is just funny. Every time I see someone quoting Trump's statements about the economy like "when I was the president it was the greatest..." it baffles me. I guess he's targeting the generation Z and Mill's(he even says he does) and so they must have been living with their parents back then or something to think it was great. To me I remember 2016 the economy was so so but Obama just left and Trump just took over so he hadn't had time to change anything yet. Then he changed the tariffs and trade agreements with China and the stocks crashed Then in 2019 the pandemic hit and unemployment sky rocketed and there was shortages everywhere because businesses were closed. He has to be the best prosperity preacher there is or must either just be targeting Gen.Z and the Mills. because those four years were not pretty at all,lol. Not that I think it was his fault there was a pandemic but man "the power of possessive thinking" he has as a speaker is obvious in that he can take four years a market crash,two years of pandemic,massive unemployment and a 7.9 trillion dollar debt and by just saying over and over "my economy was the greatest" have all his supporters actually believe it and repeat it,lol.