Okay, so you believe it's our works that saves or condemn us. I disagree. I do not believe in a works based gospel, you do. I think you're teaching a false gospel clearly, and are usurping Gods glory for yourself. Again I disagree, I believe it's ALL God that draws me to Him, Him that saves me, Him that guides me, and Him that keeps me. 100% ALL God the whole time, and He gets 100% ALL glory for it. We have a fundamental difference here and I do not believe His word at all supports a gospel where we have the burden on our shoulders and earn our salvation in the way you're teaching. Very obviously you're too convinced you're correct so at this point we should just admit the difference strait up, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong here. You believe in your works to save you right? If you're good enough.
Are you aware that Jesus said “faith” is a work? John 6:28-29. And Paul said “faith” is a work? 2 Thess. 1:11.and again in 1 Thess. 1:3.? Since God says “faith” is a work, and YOU say we are NOT saved by works, then you have just thrown out “faith” as necessary for salvation. God says without faith it is impossible to please Him. “You are mistaken not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God.” Matt. 22:29. There are “bad” works talked about in the scriptures and there are “good” works talked about in the scriptures. The Devil has done a good job of convincing men that ALL works are bad. But that’s not true. There are WORKS OF GOD that even the disciples realized we MUST DO. Jesus never condemned anyone for doing His “works”. He never accused them of “earning their salvation “. Or condemned them for “working their way to heaven”. You have been listening to MEN—more importantly to Satan. It makes sense that Satan does not want you to do anything; he does not want you to do the works of God So he has invented this big smear campaign against ALL works! He has made “works.” A dirty word. It’s a big lie! If “faith” is a work of God, then so is “repentance;” and so is “confession”; and so is “baptism.” They are works of God because 1) He says so, and 2) because they originate with HIM not men; isn’t this what he asked the Jews “John’s baptism; is it from heaven or from men?” Obviously it was from heaven. It originated with God. How much more the baptism of Jesus Christ? And 3) these things are COMMANDMENTS OF GOD. That makes them WORKS OF GOD and NOT works of men. So, YES, we ARE saved by works. The scriptures support this.
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