We are the lamps that are to be filled with oil.
Wise people make sure the lamp of the body is always filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit and prepared to meet the Lord at his return. Those who are not prepared are turned away. It's too late to become prepared then.
Okay, but when it comes to US ("the Church which is His body" [ALL those "saved" in "this present age [singular]"]), WE are said to be "SEALED with the Holy Spirit of promise" and "SEALED unto the day of redemption"... which reminds me of another post I made in recent months... What is your thought regarding the point I am making here, re: 1Th5:10,6 (and how the same Grk words are used in both verses in this chpt 5 context):
Notice in the following passage I'm always pointing out... see how
verses 6 and 10 have the SAME GREEK WORDS [same 2 Grk words in vv.6 and 10!]
1 Thessalonians 5:6-11 -
6 So then
we should not sleep [G2518 - katheudōmen] as the others, but
we should watch [G1127 - grēgorōmen] and we should be sober.
7 For those sleeping, sleep by night; and those becoming drunk, get drunk by night.
8 But we being of the day should be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and the helmet, the hope of salvation,
9 because God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
10 the One having died for us,
so that whether we might watch [G1127 - grēgorōmen] OR we might sleep [G2518 - katheudōmen], we may live together
with [G4862 - syn - 'UNIONED-with'/'IDENTIFIED-with'] Him.
11 Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as also you are doing.
...note that THIS [Grk word for] "SLEEP" is
an altogether distinct Grk word from the "sleep [G2837 - koimōmenōn / koimēthentas] of the PREVIOUS CHPT,
in 1 Thessalonians 4:13,14,15 (speaking of "the DEAD in Christ" of v.16).
1Th5:6,10 is not speaking of being "asleep" in death, like the previous chpt is.
So this passage is saying [speaking TO/FOR/ABOUT "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY"] that "whether we may watch, OR whether we may sleep"...
which is distinct from what certain passages are stating in the Olivet Discourse, for example, and other related passages (like Lk12:36-37,38,40,42-44,45-48 [also not a "Rapture" passage], etc).
The problem enters, when (in that, people often [also] do not distinguish certain other passages and so forth) they come to wrong conclusions regarding "salvation truths"... (this is often
reflected in their conveying of, and what they hold as, their "end times views," whereas if we should be simply asking a person "are you a Christian?," they might respond with a [simple] "yes"... but you have no clue they think "works salvation" is obtaining that favor with God, or that they believe they must "endure unto the end" [taken out of context] in order to ultimately be saved, etc...
ALL of the following refer to "the DEAD [/asleep / having fallen asleep -
G2837 - koimōmenōn / koimēthentas] in Christ" -
1Th4:13 -
1Th4:14 -
1Th4:15 -
ALL of the following, use a DIFFERENT "sleep" word
[G2518 - katheudōmen], that is
NOT referring to "the DEAD in Christ [those of the Body who have physically died]" and should be understood within its context
in relation to what verse 5 just conveyed (etc) -
1Th5:6 -
1Th5:10 -
[end quoting those posts]
The things differing are not the same.