I get it now, these comments finally opened my eyes to the reason this conversation can go on and on without any kind of understanding or common ground between each other ever being reached. One side is diving deeper into the truths of Gods, debating in good faith and trying to present their side as plainly as they can using scripture anytime asked, "where do you get that from".
The other side does not share the same goal, they have one mission and one mission alone. I did think it was taking credit for some part of their own salvation, to reinforce in their minds that they have some kind of control and responsibility for being saved. I was wrong I think. After reading these two comment it became clear to me, that's not their ultimate goal, their ultimate goal is to attack and destroy any and everything John Calvin. They HATE him do much it's debilitating, they hate him more than democrats hate Trump.
They are so far from God, truth, and His power is foreign to them that they can not possible understand what he means and is talking about that they make their whole salvation about destroying anything they even perceive to be Calvin adjacent. They're not working "for God", they're working "against Calvin". It makes so much more sense in this context. I knew the CDSC ran wild on here, but I never put it together that it's there WHOLE SHOW, God can go sit down with His glory in the back, they have some Calvinist (only in their deluded minds thought) to go destroy. It's just sad.