Tithing GO's back before the JEWs to Abraham Out OF Haran some where around Babylon , And HE was a gentile . & he paid tithe . If we love the sinners , I think we Should tithe . The tithe is to get the gospel out to the LOST & to HIS people , Malachi 3:8 - 12 Will a man rob GOD ? yet ye have robbed ME .But ye say , Wherein have we robed THEE ? In tithes & offerings . ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robed ME . even this whole nation . Look at how much that HE paid for US. GOD BLESS.
Facts on Abraham tithing in Hebrews:
Genesis 14: Abram gives 10% (verse 20) of the best of the war spoils he'd taken. To the Priest & King of Salem, Melchizedek.
Abram gives the best 10% of the war spoils to Melchizedek. And the remaining 90% to Sodom & Gomorrah (verse 24). Abram kept NOTHING for himself!
Abram NEVER PAID 10% on his personal items (EVER!): No cattle, no oil or wine, no corn or wheat & NO MONEY! Only on the booty/spoils from the Kings he conquered while retrieving his kidnapped nephew Lot.
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