I suppose there will be some that accuse me of Not obeying my own rule, of sticking to the original Subject. However, it is also very important, that I present EVIDENCE that the ROMAN TENTH LEGION was REALLY THEIR, guarding over the Ancient City of JERUSALEM. Like the Tour Guide from the City of David repeatedly said, "The only thing you cannot find in the Old City of Jerusalem, is Ancient Jerusalem."
You see Jerusalem was once the Name of the City of David.
So it is Important that I present any New Evidence that the Roman Tenth Legion, were the ones that OCCCUPIED the entire Higher Ground, that is falsely called the TEMPLE MOUNT, when it was Fortress Antonia. The Roman LEGION consists of approximately 6000 Troops and as many as 4000 Support Staff, about 10,000 Personnel all together. Every LEGION is make up of 10 Cohorts, and a Cohort (equivalent of a Battalion) was Made up of 480 Troops, and 120 Support Staff, about 600 Personnel.
The Jews want us to believe their TRIVIALIZED Fortress Antonia, that COULD NOT HAVE HELD MORE THAN HALF A COHORT, in a very CROWDED space, which is about the square footage. That inside dimension is about Half a football field, and they want us to believe them, that Legion fit in their.
NO, the Fortress Antonia, is not like the Wicked Witch of the East's Fortress. IT WAS THE ENTIRE COMPLEX of the so-called Temple Mount. IN FACT, Josephus Verifies IT, that could have been SEVERAL CITIES in SIZE.
Chapter 5 - The Works of Flavius Josephus
The inward parts had the largeness and form of a palace, it being parted into all kinds of rooms and other conveniences, such as courts, and places for bathing, and broad spaces for camps; insomuch that, by having all conveniences that cities wanted, it might seem to be composed of several cities, but by its magnificence it seemed a palace.
East GATE to the Temple Complex, should be centered, as Josephus verified that. So this had to be before Herod expanded the TEMPLE.
The Court of the Gentiles is smaller than it would have been after the expansion, so other than that it is accurate. When did the Romans start to occupy JERUSALEM, as near as 16 BC when they were at war with the Samaritan's, and by 6 CE their focus was on Jerusalem. When was Harod's expansion of the Temple completed? Not till 65 AD. So Jesus saw some of the expansion projects.
ALSO See my Post #2,291 .
So now we come to the short video, that helps verify that the ROMAN TENTH was a LEGION and not a Cohort.
RABBI Dr. Meir Y. Soloveichik, confirms the Roman Tenth Legion came down to Masada, from JERUSALEM.
You see Jerusalem was once the Name of the City of David.
So it is Important that I present any New Evidence that the Roman Tenth Legion, were the ones that OCCCUPIED the entire Higher Ground, that is falsely called the TEMPLE MOUNT, when it was Fortress Antonia. The Roman LEGION consists of approximately 6000 Troops and as many as 4000 Support Staff, about 10,000 Personnel all together. Every LEGION is make up of 10 Cohorts, and a Cohort (equivalent of a Battalion) was Made up of 480 Troops, and 120 Support Staff, about 600 Personnel.
The Jews want us to believe their TRIVIALIZED Fortress Antonia, that COULD NOT HAVE HELD MORE THAN HALF A COHORT, in a very CROWDED space, which is about the square footage. That inside dimension is about Half a football field, and they want us to believe them, that Legion fit in their.

NO, the Fortress Antonia, is not like the Wicked Witch of the East's Fortress. IT WAS THE ENTIRE COMPLEX of the so-called Temple Mount. IN FACT, Josephus Verifies IT, that could have been SEVERAL CITIES in SIZE.
Chapter 5 - The Works of Flavius Josephus
The inward parts had the largeness and form of a palace, it being parted into all kinds of rooms and other conveniences, such as courts, and places for bathing, and broad spaces for camps; insomuch that, by having all conveniences that cities wanted, it might seem to be composed of several cities, but by its magnificence it seemed a palace.

East GATE to the Temple Complex, should be centered, as Josephus verified that. So this had to be before Herod expanded the TEMPLE.
The Court of the Gentiles is smaller than it would have been after the expansion, so other than that it is accurate. When did the Romans start to occupy JERUSALEM, as near as 16 BC when they were at war with the Samaritan's, and by 6 CE their focus was on Jerusalem. When was Harod's expansion of the Temple completed? Not till 65 AD. So Jesus saw some of the expansion projects.
ALSO See my Post #2,291 .
So now we come to the short video, that helps verify that the ROMAN TENTH was a LEGION and not a Cohort.
RABBI Dr. Meir Y. Soloveichik, confirms the Roman Tenth Legion came down to Masada, from JERUSALEM.
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