See the Slaughter Tables, that would probably be the LOCATION of the exit to Warren's Shaft. Most like it was incorporated in that wall to the right side of the Tables. There HAD to be a drainage channel cut into the floor, leading just outside the right side as you face it. The actual TEMPLE, it would go just outside it, through the exterior rear wall of the Temple Complex, down into the Stream on the west side of the TEMPLE. That is the stream that flows south past the Pool Siloam. That blood channel was similar to this Channel David had his workman, chisel into the bedrock floor in his TABERNACLE.

That blood channel, would have been ingenious, because it automatically washed all the Excess Blood away with very little clean up work. So WHY have we not seen ANY images of the BLOOD CHANNEL in the floor of the TEMPLE ? ? ? Because everyone thought that the Higher Hill had to be TEMPLE SITE. Because they forgot, Prince Simon, had removed the Bedrock, that the Temple to JUPITER had Defiled.
Aelia Capitolina was the title that the Romans gave to the quasi-city that they established on the site of Jerusalem after its destruction by Roman legions under Titus in 70 A.D. (exactly as prophesied by Jesus Christ 40 years before in Matthew 24:1-2). The name was concocted after the Second Jewish revolt of 132-135 to honor the emperor Hadrian and the pagan gods of the Roman trinity, Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. A temple to Jupiter was constructed right on the Temple Mount, and idols of Roman gods were erected throughout the city in a deliberate and malicious violation of God’s law. https://focusonjerusalem.com/thefallofjerusalem.html
The Jews of Jerusalem were EXILED from the land, and in 135 A.D., most of the JEWS WERE rounded up and EXILED, out of the land. A few Jews returned in 445 A.D., but most of them DID NOT RETURN 1212 A.D. That is when the Sanhedrin was formed and they VOTED ON where the TEMPLE WAS. They chose the WRONG SITE, on top of the hill where Dome of the ROCK IS. They also voted on where Mount Zion IS, and again they voted on the wrong mountain, further west. ALL OF JERUSALEM was like plowed field, even in 1915, so they had NO REFERENCE POINT. ANCIENT JERUSALEM IS THE CITY OF DAVID TODAY.
So having CHOSE THE WRONG SITE for the so-called Temple Mount, there is NO RUNNING WATER ON THE so-called TEMPLE MOUNT. Only CISTERNS. LIVING WATER is defined as RUNNING WATER from a SPRING. So the artist had know idea of how IMPORTANT LIVING WATER is for the Purification was inside the TEMPLE.

That is the ALPHA and OMEGA, a title for CHRIST.
While I am at it, let me expose another group of Artist's MYTHS. They are the one that have made the replicas of the Arch of the Covenant. I can prove they never read what the BIBLE says about the Arch. The Bible says the ARCH has to have a SEAT, and it says the ANGELS had WINGS THAT TOUCH. It did not say both wings have to be Touching. If you pull up pictures of Arch of the Covenant, you will find almost all of the PICTURES do not match what the bible says.
The wings may be in the way leaning back. But a SMOOTH LID is a must, so this one is correct.
The Antichrist Dictator will sit on it with the power of Satan.
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