In Christ, we are without sin. But the flesh is not saved.
There is a war going on in our members the bible says Paul talked about it.
The battle of the flesh can drive one crazy.
For example, is 1. I do not commit the act of adultery or sexual perversion.
YET in my heart, I am thinking about it all the time. Now I did not do the sin, YET it is in my mind why? There is a heart issue. I did not surrender that part of my life to the Lord (I took it from somewhere, what place did I take it from? I will show you in a few.) Because the Flesh will desire the fleshly things. Until I become a willful participant of the suggestion I am not in sin even if the thoughts are in my mind why? Because it is a temptation that is triggered by the flesh and the devil.
Listen men need this a lot. The reason why we are told to run!!!! from sexual sin is because we will be tempted with it, NOT IF but WHEN.
2cor 10:3-5
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
This battle is not won by our own strength. Though we walk as flesh beings we do not fight sinful desires of the flesh with behavioral modifications or 12 step programs that are more about embracing and living with an addiction and stronghold.
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
The warfare is not abilities within the flesh or intellectual understanding of your addiction or desire to sin. but the ones God provides us Break strongholds and set people free. The origin of homosexuality or drunkness doesn't set men free because they know where it came from.
What sets men free is an encounter with Christ who defeated death, hell, and the grave. On HIS Cross we were supposed to leave our sin and the body of sinful desires at the cross and walked away as a new creature in Christ. Not with a sinking corpse on our backs.
5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
Listen to these "CASTING DOWN ARGUMENTS" Stop making excuses to sin. Stop talking off the cross what you put on it YOUR SIN.
When you were saved. Stop trying to rationale and justify the sinful desire that will be with us till Jesus comes or we die.
WE are in a war !!!!
And this war is on all: Women, children, men, rich, poor, Jew, and Gentile.
However, Our God has given us victory at The Cross of Christ STOP taking your sin back from the cross you left it at.
Repent leave there and turn and follow the Lord Jesus who gave you life, victory, and power to fight the good fight of Faith. Which is the obedience of Christ.
Ok thanks for clarifying.
I understand sanctification but was unsure as to whether you were implying we can be sinless in our walk with Jesus.
I understand sanctification but was unsure as to whether you were implying we can be sinless in our walk with Jesus.
There is a war going on in our members the bible says Paul talked about it.
The battle of the flesh can drive one crazy.
For example, is 1. I do not commit the act of adultery or sexual perversion.
YET in my heart, I am thinking about it all the time. Now I did not do the sin, YET it is in my mind why? There is a heart issue. I did not surrender that part of my life to the Lord (I took it from somewhere, what place did I take it from? I will show you in a few.) Because the Flesh will desire the fleshly things. Until I become a willful participant of the suggestion I am not in sin even if the thoughts are in my mind why? Because it is a temptation that is triggered by the flesh and the devil.
Listen men need this a lot. The reason why we are told to run!!!! from sexual sin is because we will be tempted with it, NOT IF but WHEN.
2cor 10:3-5
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
This battle is not won by our own strength. Though we walk as flesh beings we do not fight sinful desires of the flesh with behavioral modifications or 12 step programs that are more about embracing and living with an addiction and stronghold.
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,
The warfare is not abilities within the flesh or intellectual understanding of your addiction or desire to sin. but the ones God provides us Break strongholds and set people free. The origin of homosexuality or drunkness doesn't set men free because they know where it came from.
What sets men free is an encounter with Christ who defeated death, hell, and the grave. On HIS Cross we were supposed to leave our sin and the body of sinful desires at the cross and walked away as a new creature in Christ. Not with a sinking corpse on our backs.
5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
Listen to these "CASTING DOWN ARGUMENTS" Stop making excuses to sin. Stop talking off the cross what you put on it YOUR SIN.
When you were saved. Stop trying to rationale and justify the sinful desire that will be with us till Jesus comes or we die.
WE are in a war !!!!
And this war is on all: Women, children, men, rich, poor, Jew, and Gentile.
However, Our God has given us victory at The Cross of Christ STOP taking your sin back from the cross you left it at.
Repent leave there and turn and follow the Lord Jesus who gave you life, victory, and power to fight the good fight of Faith. Which is the obedience of Christ.
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