Oh I thought you were referring to this thread and that I didn't remember our dialog(my error)... Those two days you were asking about I do not see as a "future
kingdom of 2000 years of
the new era..." as you stated a few post back but instead as though the age of time that they were in when Jesus made his comment in Matthew 12:32. In that he states that there was "another age coming" in which there was an
sin that would not be forgiven. So there was that age they were in when he stated this and he spoke of another coming afterwards wherein an sin still existed. So now if that age that was to come after that one they were in in Matt.12 is the final kingdom will sin exist in it(the 7th day,Mill,ect.)? If so how will sin exist in that new Jerusalem after the day of the Lord?
The last enemy that is destroyed is death
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1 Corinthians 15:26-28&version=KJV and so an age of time can end and another begin until all judgment has come to pass. That is if the age that came when that one ended still had within it's time-frame the possibility in which there existed an sin that would not be forgiven it cannot be after the final day of judgment wherein no sin exist. So then as in the millennial day theory
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennial_Day_Theory where an age of time is ending and another beginning is in expression of those seven generations
https://biblehub.com/interlinear/genesis/2-4.htm of time(ages) and one was ending at that time(Matt,12,,,Matt.24:3) and another two ages were to come and then the Millennial kingdom.
goodnight for tonight...