Love everyone, trust no one except our Father, Yah. Treat any who do not Love God as a non-believer. The family in Yeshua is always first, but this never is to be interpreted to exclude any who have not yet discovered the truth of Messiah, this would be non-believing Jews and Gentiles alike. We are to attract them to the faith by our love for each other and our love for them.
This may surprise some, but we are to love them whether they believe or do not believe, whether they love us or hate us, and whether we are in agreement or not. This is never to be said we support anyone politically, unless their politics are above, that is the Kingdom to come and the King.
All too many are willing to come forth against Jews because they do not yet know Messiah. Keep in mind there are probably millions who claim to believe and do not, yet we love them..............let us love all.