I agree with you here ----Christ looks at the Heart of a person not the Physical person ----
So your a Christian ----God sees your heart and out of the Heart the mouth speaks ====
The heart and mouth are connected ----according to scripture ----
So your heart is with God but what you speak here in this Thread doesn't match where your heart is suppose to be --
For instance ---
God says ----
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and
self-control” (
2 Timothy 1:7)
This is your quote here from Opening post ---
Your Quote here ------- as I got to the top she put her hands on my forehead and
my body fell backwards but was caught by several people who began speaking tongues over me
I even tried to resist and get up but my body simply wouldn't and I saw a portal open and jesus was smiling at me
So here you have lost control of your body as it fell backwards ----you tried to resist and get up but your body simply wouldn't -----so you couldn't resist the force that was there holding you down -----
Does this not go against what God is saying in 2 Tim 1:17 ----
-that He has given you self control --
So your Speaking here doesn't match what is suppose to be in your heart ------your speaking the opposite of what God has given you -----
Which makes no sense if your heart is truly for God ------your mouth should be speaking and agreeing with what God is saying in His word not going against it ----
So here in Post 12 ----this is your Quote Blain
No she didn't push
she just placed her hand on my forehead and body just flew backwards
I say -----So here you state that you just didn't fall backwards ----now you say you Flew backwards ----
So it seems you have changed your wording here and now your flying backwards -----which makes it a little more forceful than just falling -----
I just hope you didn't get hurt in this flying endeavor
May peace be yours -----

all the best to you -----