Here is the claim that you are making.
The word, 'works', shown in the verse below.
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Should be read as the 'legal works' in the law of Moses. That is, 'legal works' applies only to the ordinances and not the ten commandments within the law.
There can be no doubt, what so ever, that you are interpretating Ephesians 2:8, that is why you changed that word, 'works'.
Now here is the contextual evidence that you are claiming, will support your replacement of that word, 'works, in Ephesians 2:8. To the phrase, 'legal works'.
Ephesians 2:15 (NET)
When he nullified in his flesh the law of commandments in decrees. He did this to create in himself one new man out of two, thus making peace.
The NET translation will not allow that change from 'works' to 'legal works'. The NET translation says that the 'law of commandments' has been nullified.
In conclusion, your claim that the context of Ephesians chapter two, i.e., one clause in one verse of Ephesians 2:15. Is not actually the context that changes that word, 'works', in Ephesians 2:8 to 'legal works'. Because your alteration, i.e., works to legal works, is translation specific. Your alteration of Ephesians 2:8, will only work with certain translations. Even then, it is a dangerous stretch to alter what Paul clearly wrote in Ephesians 2:8.
The word, 'works', shown in the verse below.
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Should be read as the 'legal works' in the law of Moses. That is, 'legal works' applies only to the ordinances and not the ten commandments within the law.
There can be no doubt, what so ever, that you are interpretating Ephesians 2:8, that is why you changed that word, 'works'.
Now here is the contextual evidence that you are claiming, will support your replacement of that word, 'works, in Ephesians 2:8. To the phrase, 'legal works'.
Ephesians 2:15 (NET)
When he nullified in his flesh the law of commandments in decrees. He did this to create in himself one new man out of two, thus making peace.
The NET translation will not allow that change from 'works' to 'legal works'. The NET translation says that the 'law of commandments' has been nullified.
In conclusion, your claim that the context of Ephesians chapter two, i.e., one clause in one verse of Ephesians 2:15. Is not actually the context that changes that word, 'works', in Ephesians 2:8 to 'legal works'. Because your alteration, i.e., works to legal works, is translation specific. Your alteration of Ephesians 2:8, will only work with certain translations. Even then, it is a dangerous stretch to alter what Paul clearly wrote in Ephesians 2:8.
The kind of works Ephesians 2 is saying that don’t save you are works of the law which is clear in verses 11-18.
Even if you just look at verses 8-10 it tells you the works that are required.
Ephesians 2:8-10 KJV
8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Plainly, you aren’t saved by works of the law, but you were created for good works and God ordained it so the good works are a requirement and the law keeping works are not a requirement. I don’t have any better explanation on it so just consider it and see if that fits with your convictions.
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