I think it's just another way to cause division. It's not "replacement Theology", that's a negative label that causes mass assumption, builds walls and causes division. If I had to name it I'd call it fulfillment theology.
This is Kingdom Theology, these labels can be used so destructively. We just label and assume without ever listening and sharing, trying to truly understand each other before ANY correction. This goes for the saved and unsaved, but the unsaved don't KNOW the Father that commands us above all to love Him and to love each other, we are to be known for our love for one another, and I think that could use some work here on CC.
This site is known online as the exact opposite, it is known to be a place to go get chewed up and spit out.
It's kind of sad. I know the love here, and honestly stay away enough now to say I have no idea what the general mood is anymore, but know for a while there I experienced a group that was relentless, they would label you, condemn you, and never ever compromise, apologize, or try to come to any kind of understanding. I hate politics and before this never even thought about this site at all in this way, but allegedly, so only hearsay to be clear, but I heard a few these people were high donators to the site.
Again hearsay and I do not know this, but I'm making a point for a reason, but it did seem these few people could run rough shot over any thread and never be touched while whenever they got someone riled up and lashed back out that person would face a temporary ban.
Again hearsay and I do not know this, but I'm making a point for a reason, but it did seem these few people could run rough shot over any thread and never be touched while whenever they got someone riled up and lashed back out that person would face a temporary ban.
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