You can tell when they've lost the debate when they resort to busting out their Hitler stuff. LOL. It's so tiresome. It's the same exact thing as when they call you a racist or a sexist or whatever. As soon as they break out the "But Hitler blah, blah blah" - just think of that as their intellectual death rattle. LOL.
The entire "replacement" theology narrative is hateful, antiChristian rhetoric. Instead of accepting Christianity as a fulfilment of the religion of Abraham, Israel, and Judah they want to paint it as a usurping priesthood of only nonJews. The only response they seem to have is to try to pretend that there are no such thing as Christians with Jewish ancestry and pretend that the descendants of Israel mentioned in Revelation are somehow NonChristian Jews. Heaven forbid they look in a mirror and realise they are openly prosecuting their kin.
And every time the story flips to the holocaust, they ignore all of the atrocities that happened to Christians including in the Holodomor - Christians of which some were their kin by bloodright. They repeat dialogue about remembering history to avoid repeats but willfully ignore history that doesn't pertain to their specific Jewish sect. Even in this thread... mention the Holodomor and the attempt is there to steer it back to the holocaust.
"All of Israel!" They say, but openly disagree with scripture when it states "All of Israel are not Israel"
"All self-titled Jews are saved!" They say, but openly disagree with scripture when it states "Not all that call themselves Jews are Jews"
It's a broken record. They only have so many talking points before they start to gaslight and all of that one trick-pony is geared toward a specific type of audience receptive to that hateful antiChristian rhetoric.
They'll be the first to wrongfully accuse anyone of "istophobisms" and miss the irony of bearing false witness against one's neighbour. They miss the irony of promoting the evils of hatred and deception.
The strangest part is to see ones that claim to be Christian but somehow take offense to the concept that NonChristian Jews should turn to Christ for salvation.
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