Hello TheDivineWatermark
What you have written above is based on speculation
May I ask, are you referring to the manuscript evidence regarding how Revelation 5:9 says "and hast redeemed
US to God out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation"? (where, if I recall correctly, he says "23 of the 24 manuscripts" on this verse have it as
"US" and the other one leaves it blank/untranslated)?
Why do you say this is "speculation"?
Here's an old post I had put (for those interested... and perhaps if you'd care to debate any of its points, and show us what you see to be correct instead of this):
[quoting excerpt of old post, on this]
Tell me what you see differently in what I posted here (in this quote of my previous posts):
How do you explain the
"24 elders" saying (from their position up in Heaven, BEFORE the first Seal is opened), "hast redeemed
US [G2248 - hemas] to God by thy blood out of [
ek] every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation"
Here's the Greek (for Rev5:
9) showing at BlueLetterBible -
https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/rev/5/9/ss1/s_1172009 showing them saying
"us [G2248 - hemas]"... "hast redeemed
In past posts, I provided the link to the following info on that verse (boiled down here):
--of the
24 [total] manuscripts (of the Greek) of Revelation chpt 5,
23 of them have it as
"US [G2248 - hemas]" and only
ONE manuscript
leaves it blank [/untranslated]. (That
ONE manuscript [
of 24 total manuscripts (Rev5)] that leaves it blank/untranslated is the "Codex Alexandrinus".)
Either point out why you believe I am wrong, here, or...
explain why these
"24 elders" are saying "hast redeemed
US to God by thy blood out of [
ek] every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation"
(comp 1:5-6 where "US" is mentioned 3x, in a similar fashion),
and why they are wearing
"stephanous/crowns" (recall, Paul said he would be awarded one "IN
THAT DAY" [not the day of his DEATH

] and not to him only! Tell me, where did they GET THOSE?!),
and why they are sitting on "24
THRONES" (what is the PURPOSE of their sitting on "
why "24" ? (could it be parallel to that which we find in the
"24 courses" of priests, and the
"24 courses of singers", here):
[quoting Wm Kelly on 1Chron25]
In 1 Chronicles 25 we have the service of song. "Moreover, David and the captains of the host separated to the service of the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with harps, with psalteries, and with cymbals." It is called "prophesying" because it so directly brought in God, which is the emphatic meaning of prophesying. "And the number of the workmen according to their service was" - so and so.
There were twenty-four courses of the singers. Now, this was another remarkable change. In the tabernacle, song was not the characteristic feature, but sacrifice; but in the temple in the day of glory, the song of triumph is the new and suitable feature."
--William Kelly, 1 Chronicles 25 [see esp vv.1,6-7,31]
[note: v.1 "with harps [see Rev5], with psalteries ['earthen vessels'], and with cymbals"...hmmm...]
and I've posted before about
the wording in Hebrews 9:8-9a (and how it relates to this), "8 By this the Holy Spirit was signifying that the way into the holy places has not yet been made manifest, the first tabernacle [
the one in the wilderness, per the "furnishings" in v.4] yet having
A STANDING [ *stasis/stasin], 9 which is
a PARABLE for the present time [...]"
* "stasis/stasin" word
RELATED TO the word in 2Th2:
3, under discussion earlier in this thread
(apo stasis - 'a standing away [from a previous standing]'... and the entry under "apostasia" in Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon says "LATER FORM FOR apostasis")]
[end quoting old post]
Can you address what it is that you see as mere "speculation"?
3 actually does say, "
that day [
from VERSE 2, the
immediately preceding verse,
GRAMMATICALLY) will not be present if not shall have come THE DEPARTURE
*FIRST* and [
distinctly] the man of sin
(he is "
revealed" at the
START of the trib, not at its MIDDLE, nor at its END... just as other passages also correspond)
Thanks for the conversation. = )