AMEN Brother!! I am sure you are here for the same reason I am my best to make sure this false doctrine doesn't take anyone else. IF we don't put forth the truth, then the lies will win and another soul maybe lost. IF even one soul is saved, it is worth it. And what we receive just makes us 
I am not sure that up until computers it could have been proven false as it has been because even with these it is so slippery going from one place to the next without ever addressing, let alone fixing a single issue.
The church 'as a unit/group' (be that singular or plural), is never taken to heaven, ONLY those who have fallen asleep go, so the church can never 'exist/live, reign or rule there or come back as a 'unit/group' except as all those who have died and risen.
That is why that issue is never addressed. We have seen it asked repeatedly with no answers just like all the other questions. ALWAYS back to the same circle. But I think it is to keep us from building upon the foundations laid as we are supposed to. But that isn't working because I have been receiving a lot of new truths lately that have no relation to this but somehow are opening up and I believe it is because of how this makes me SEE HIS WORDS without my thoughts. This may be the best training ever on how to 'rightly divide' the words of God, for me anyhow. And there that is.
I am not sure that up until computers it could have been proven false as it has been because even with these it is so slippery going from one place to the next without ever addressing, let alone fixing a single issue.
The church 'as a unit/group' (be that singular or plural), is never taken to heaven, ONLY those who have fallen asleep go, so the church can never 'exist/live, reign or rule there or come back as a 'unit/group' except as all those who have died and risen.
That is why that issue is never addressed. We have seen it asked repeatedly with no answers just like all the other questions. ALWAYS back to the same circle. But I think it is to keep us from building upon the foundations laid as we are supposed to. But that isn't working because I have been receiving a lot of new truths lately that have no relation to this but somehow are opening up and I believe it is because of how this makes me SEE HIS WORDS without my thoughts. This may be the best training ever on how to 'rightly divide' the words of God, for me anyhow. And there that is.
Simple question for pre-trippers: Does the rapture occure BEFORE the Resurrection of the Dead? = 1 Thess 1:10 , 4:13-18
If the answer is 'Yes' then the Apostle Paul was in complete error, including the LORD and please show the Scripture.....
To date, no answer/scripture has been authenticated from the Mouth of God to declare a pre-trib rapture.
Enoch and Elijah lived during great tribulation and did not leave this earth prior to it.
Thus, Two Witnesses return during the same tribulation they left in, only to be put to death = in tribulation.
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