Well, I admit dc is a little rough around the edges, but God loves him and we love him, too! 
We also love you, Micaiah-imla and God loves you, too! 
@dcontroversal a little rough around the edges, surely not
Ok actually he is.
I say this based on culture differences, what one person considers rough in the UK is different to what one says in Aus or the USA, what one considers a swear word in one country is not the same in another.
I have experienced attacks on this forum for being too nice and not hard enough in responses, but that is my culture but I can be and am hard in responses when engagement fails and it gets personal.
Sad fact is and as I had to explain to someone on here a couple of days ago what you conisider a swear word and it's a sin may actually just be an expression of their thoughts.
Anyway I digress.
I love him too. He is a great steadfast loyal brother from another mother and I actually like him.
The funny thing is we are not called to like people but called to love them.
We can love them even if we do not like them.
I have generally found that when I have had the reverse of that, the people that I do not like but love (based on experience of helping them out) then actually I do like them.
So the aim should always be, love them regardless, an AGAPAE love.