Thanks for your refreshing words. My thought today was to change my password to somting I would not remember. Thanks be to Gos who always gives sufiscient Grace, wondering what we are doing here.
When you encounter harsh words, people who mock you, laugh at you, issue condemnation, verbal attacks, as much as verbal may be construed on a message forum, maybe recall how the enemy, the tempter, applies slings and arrows against the Children of God so as to dissuade them from their purpose in Christ.
If the tempter spirit can get a Christian to speak their language, hate filled words, sarcasm, cutting pejoratives intended to hurt that Christian's feelings, etc..., they win a victory over that Christian who is suppose to be in peace, in Christ. It's like a game. If they can lead a Christian to fail in putting on Christ and being Christ like in their exchanges with people, they can then show that being a Christian isn't all it is cracked up to be.
Remember Jesus during his fast in the wilderness? The tempter was there trying to lead Jesus from his mission.
The Book of Matthew chapter 4:3 And the Tempter having come to him said, `If Son thou art of God -- speak that these stones may become loaves.'
Can you imagine? If Jesus had said to Himself, I'm so hungry, I think I'll do that. And did make those stones into bread, how pleased the tempter would have been.
Satan roams this world like a hungry lion seeking souls to devour.
What would lead us to think a website who's banner announces it is dedicated to Christ wouldn't gain the Tempter and his disciples attention?
Stay strong in the light my sister/brother. When God has your back, nothing can stand against you.
Don't follow where the darkness invites you to go. Don't be tempted to flee a Christian forum you enjoy , due to the harassment that comes your way.
If we can't stand against the enemy that comes at us through a keyboard, how will we fare in the world offline?
[hugs you]
(There's an ignore function on your profile. If you mouse over the name of someone you'll see a little drop down menu appear. There will be a button in the middle that says, "Ignore". If you depress that, nothing of the member you've chosen to ignore will appear to you anymore.
You will not know when someone is speaking to them in a thread, because that persons quoted post will not appear. Just as anything they write does not. But if you want to know to whom someone may be responding, just scroll down the page and you'll see a message at the bottom right of the thread page that says, "show ignored content". If you click on that message and then scroll back up the same page, you'll see the posts of anyone you have on your ignore list that have contributed to that thread.
Just an FYI.

Sometimes, the love of Christ post after post doesn't make a difference. Sometimes we have to save ourselves by ignoring agents of the Tempter.
God loves us!

You have a right to participate on a forum without being insulted while you're there.
God bless you .