Sir, let me explain and elaborate.... I will try to be succinct.
No I am not supporting the idea of purgatory as all.
Life after death is not what is in view here at all, we must be careful to not add to the text, people make a word mean one thing over and over, words have different semantics depending on the surrounding text, I hope you would agree?
It my understanding that Greek word is timoria, this is the only time it is used in the New Testament ... carries the same idea as in verse 27 fiery indignation.
The author is fiercely driving home how much God is indignant and rightly so, towards those who try back to the law.
τιμωρέω - timōréō [tim-o-reh'-o]
Short Definition :
properly, to protect one's honor, i.e., to avenge (inflict a penalty)
Notice..... Verses 28-30 deal with the idea that if God dealt severely with those who violated the Law of Moses, then how do you think He would feel about those who purposely leave the blood of the new covenant?
I also think this verse really drives it home.... vs. 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
So the indignation to inflict a penalty in this life is about God's correction and He has every right to correct.
Saphira and Ananias come to mind.
No I am not supporting the idea of purgatory as all.
Life after death is not what is in view here at all, we must be careful to not add to the text, people make a word mean one thing over and over, words have different semantics depending on the surrounding text, I hope you would agree?
It my understanding that Greek word is timoria, this is the only time it is used in the New Testament ... carries the same idea as in verse 27 fiery indignation.
The author is fiercely driving home how much God is indignant and rightly so, towards those who try back to the law.
τιμωρέω - timōréō [tim-o-reh'-o]
Short Definition :
properly, to protect one's honor, i.e., to avenge (inflict a penalty)
Notice..... Verses 28-30 deal with the idea that if God dealt severely with those who violated the Law of Moses, then how do you think He would feel about those who purposely leave the blood of the new covenant?
I also think this verse really drives it home.... vs. 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
So the indignation to inflict a penalty in this life is about God's correction and He has every right to correct.
Saphira and Ananias come to mind.
27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.
Correction is NOT judgement. Wasn't our sins judged on a Cross in the body of Christ?
Also, we must always keep in mind who this letter is initially addressed to. The HEBREWS. Verse 30 says this:30 For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. And again, “The Lord will judge His people.”
Judgement will start at the house of Israel, God's chosen people. We must remember that there is a difference between God's people, and God's Children. You cannot be a Child of God unless you are born again. Not every Jew was born again, although ALL are considered God's chosen people.
I think it's a very tough sell to say these people are saved and the punishment only applies to THIS life. These people continued in sin. What sin? The sin of rejecting the sufficiency of Christ's atoning Sacrifice, and wanted to continue to sacrifice animals to atone for their sin.
I don't believe they were saved to begin with. They had the KNOWLEDGE of the Truth, but they didn't have THE TRUTH, Jesus Christ.
Tell me, do YOU have VENGEANCE on your kids? You discipline them, but I'm sure you don't seek revenge on them for things they have done. You think our Heavenly Father has REVENGE on His Kids?
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