@VCO. I have been accused of not being clear. Here is my position on the matter. Just a few quotes from literally hundreds that I could copy and paste
"Macabeus, post: 4037720, member: 279100"].
..We don’t bring anything that was not first given to us by God[/"Macabeus, post: 3949236, member: 279100"]There are several ways the man can serve God
in joy and gratitude. ANY born again person can
serve God from joy and gratitude of being saved. 
If nothing else, the fact that I am justified should make me desire to see others saved, and lead to me at least praying for them, if not sharing my faith with them..Macabeus, post: 3949151, member: 279100"]We are justified by faith without works, yes, but when we are justified, we also receive a new nature, and if we have a new nature,
we will have new desires, and thus, we will want to see God glorified (new desires) and will labor to that end. Not to be saved, but from love and gratitude..."Macabeus, post: 3948980, member: 279100"]Yes, and then after justification,
we live our lives to God out of love and gratitude, BECAUSE OF OUR NEW NATURE. Not perfectly, but there should be SOME love and gratitude, and concern about other people IF WE ARE BORN OF GOD>.."Macabeus, post: 3948972, member: 279100"]. As I have stated many times,
SALVATION IS FULLY ACCOMPLISHED, and then works follow from love and gratitude. Sorry if I wasn't clear. Macabeus, post: 3947604, member: 279100"]Yep, if it is of grace, then work is no more work. VERY GOOD scripture. KUDOSAnd to Him that has received grace, work is no longer reckoned as meritorious work,
it becomes an expression of gratitude and love. 1 JOHN 5:3. AND no one has room to boast, for WHAT DO WE HAVE THAT WE DID NOT RECEiVE FROM GOD. 1 Corinthians 4:7 "Macabeus, post: 3947268, member: 279100"]Justified by faith ALONE
, works follow out of love and gratitudeJust like fire produces smoke...All of Grace, it is all of grace, naught of myself, but all from Him, it is all of grace, that is all."Macabeus, post: 3946895, member: 279100"]Never said it had anything to do with salvation. I merely stated that those who are born of God will have the characteristics that John lists in his First Epistle.And we do not work to be saved.
We work because we are saved and out of love and gratitude...."Macabeus, post: 4035414, member: 279100"]
I agree that fruit is the result and fruit of salvation, not the cause or the root. .
Just a few clear quotes from a selection of HUNDREDS where I said that fruit and works flow from salvation and love and gratitude for God for saving us.