:::death::: at people quoting "this is
the work of God" that you believe on him who he has sent.
and then claiming that, believing in him is their work when it clearly says it is the gift of God.
Ephesians even goes on to say not NOT TO BOAST about it and that is what people who are just claiming believe without works are doing. It even goes on to say why he gave the gift of faith or it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9
not by works, so that no one can boast. 10For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life.…

eath:; it then goes on to tell you about your richs and tells you
WALK WORTHY OF THE VOCATION wherewith ya are called
Folks can cut and paste, and misquote one verse of the bible like the Lords mercy endureth forever, and the law is done away with, and grace all they want, and not read the other verses in the bible to find what faith, who the righteous are, and is there a difference between law and good works.
The bible is very clear about what will happen to people who take the gift of faith which was given them and have no fruit. He won't let you in the kingdom. It even tell you that you will be beaten with more stripes because you knew what he wanted you to do but didn't do those things. While the person who didn't know will be beaten with less stripes. Because ye reaped where you didn't sow.
okay I am finished this time. I pray that no one on this forum is lead astray by anyone quoting one sentence, and not fullying understanding that sentence, and saying all we must do is have faith and not realize with faith comes the calling to do good works.
But they will have to answer to God for taking verses out of the bible intentionally misleading whoever they lead stray and take the grace of God for granted. When they know exactly what
ELSE THE BIBLE SAYS and omit those things and lead people to hell.
Lord have mercy..