Hi all...I had a temptation just before the new year for alcohol...I was shopping in Tesco and they had a lady there standing at a little table offering to taste the drink she was advertising, and normally I would take that free gulp, but this time I prayed as I pushed my trolley and asked God to help me...I remembered Scriptures and put them in my mouth and spoke them and I used my way out of the temptation that God has given me...
One small cup of that drink could of led me to a bottle, this was the first time I put Scripture to use where drink is concerned, the out come, I am still sober praise God

...Murder, lying and all sins will lay beside us, but the WILL of God is stronger than any of these powers...Now I can look back and see the work that our LORD is doing in my life, even though sometimes I may not see the changes, but this was evidence that He is working in me ...In my own will I would be still allowing the devil to condemn me, but Gods grace has me covered, I do not take it for granted that I have conquered my battle, far from it, but I do know I am saved by the grace of God, because if I wasn't, His fruit would not be in me, I am stronger today then I was yesterday, not because of anything I have done, but what He is doing in me...
It is God who keeps us, we are in the palm of His hand, we are sealed, He is our security, these are things are mind should be on, not allowing the devil to destroy the Joy that the LORD has given us, we are hidden in Him, how can we lose our Salvation if we are hidden in Him
