So some one fulfilled Revelation 13:14-18 in the first century who is it?
Jesus says in Rev 3:9 that the Jews were a synagogue of Satan. In the gospels He said their father was the devil to the Pharisees and Sadducees. We know that Satan gave His power to the beast. The beast is portrayed as Rome but is also portrayed as individuals like Nero (and perhaps others) in the book of Revelation.
We also see that Mystery Babylon - Jerusalem - rides the beast which is Rome. Using it's power to persecute the Christians and kill some of them including Jesus.
If the Jews father was the devil then they worshiped the beast too since the devil gave His power to the beast. Yes, the Jews revolted. The book of Revelation tells us that lots of lying spirits went out to deceive and gather them for the battle of "Armageddon". That is a spiritual battle in Revelation to destroy all God's enemies. That means the principaliies and powers, the devil, and the Jews to name a few.
Read Ezekiel 8 and 9 about the first temple destruction. Ezekiel is shown a vision with lots of abominations which led to the first temples destruction. I am sure something similar happened in 65-70 A.D. The Abomination of Desolation.
Once again, I would recommend not getting hung up on every detail that you can't explain and neither can I.
The time framework that follows makes things clear:
1. Dan 9 gives us the 70 weeks prophecy. This is all the time left for the Jews and their holy city. Dan 10, 11, 12 gives us details that will happen during that 70 weeks and Daniel 12 is the end of that 70 weeks that ends with the coming of the messiah and the destruction of the city and temple.
2. Dan 12: 1 is the sister text to Matt 24: 21. This is the Great Tribulation in the mid to late 60's A.D.
3. Dan 12: 2 is the resurrection and judgment. The sister text is Matt 24: 30-31 and Matt 25: 31-46. Jesus says all the things in Matt 24 & 25 would happen in His generation in Matt 24: 34.
4. Rev 1: 1,3 and Rev 22: 6,7,10,12 and 20 tell you a total of 7 times these things will shortly come to pass. That means everything in the book. Rev 22: 6 didn't say "some" things but "these things". The only fair, exegetical way to read that is that it means everything in the book.
5. Luke 21: 31-32 says that when you see these things
know that the kingdom of God is near and Jesus restricts it to His generation. That kingdom is the new heavens and new earth. Christ's kingdom which He brought with Him in 70 A.D. The new heavens and new earth is not a literal place. Read Isa 65: 1-16. God is complaining about apostate Israel and getting rid of them and calling His servants by a new name. This is the context of Isa 65: 17-18. The new heavens and earth is the New Jerusalem and her people who are a joy. That is what you see described also in Rev 21 & 22.
6. Matt 16: 27-28 say Jesus will return in His generation and will reward everyone according to their works. That is the judgment and resurrection. The parallel texts are Mark 8: 38-9:1 and Luke 9: 26-27.
7. Matt 10: 17-23 talks about Him coming back in His generation as well. Some of the details in that passage are about after the gospel has already gone to the Gentiles so it can't be Jesus just following behind the disciples as futurists try to claim. The things described in this passage are after His ascension and are referring to His return with the kingdom.
This post is too long so I will stop here. Hopefully this is helpful.