Most of the time the hostility and biting that creeps into eschatological discussions is completely unwarranted, but like every area of theology there are eschatologies that are outright heretical.
As has been brought up previously, some forms of preterism would fall in that category. The future bodily resurrection and reconciliation of the entire world is the hope of Christianity so anything that denies that hope is denying the gospel. Of course, this is only a specific formulation and not all forms of preterism deny this hope.
Though even when someone speaks heresies heaping abuse on them is not meet. It might be a reason for disfellowship but personal attacks aren't justified.
As has been brought up previously, some forms of preterism would fall in that category. The future bodily resurrection and reconciliation of the entire world is the hope of Christianity so anything that denies that hope is denying the gospel. Of course, this is only a specific formulation and not all forms of preterism deny this hope.
Though even when someone speaks heresies heaping abuse on them is not meet. It might be a reason for disfellowship but personal attacks aren't justified.
We are the Temple of God indwelt with the Holy Spirit. Let us lay fruits of love down at the Alter of the Temple,surly the Lord will examine what we lay on that Alter, hatred or love he will recieve our offering in our behalf.
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