I Believe we are talking about (Full Preterist) denying a future second coming and bodily resurrection of the believer.
Individuals try to hide behind the word (Eschatology) falsely as a victim, hiding their denial of the second coming and bodily resurrection of the believer.
(Full Preterism) Is Heretucal
Individuals try to hide behind the word (Eschatology) falsely as a victim, hiding their denial of the second coming and bodily resurrection of the believer.
(Full Preterism) Is Heretucal
I think name calling is a sign of the maturity level of that Christian that resorts to that prong of personal salvation self defense.
Now to be clear, I called someone a liar whose lie was born from the pit of Hell when they slandered me and made a false claim that I had, in a word, insulted, Christ. And I make no apology for that. Because I think it important to interject also that we can never forget the factor that is always at play here. Anonymity.
We are fake names joining a forum and claiming to be Christian as we engage others in discussion. That's where the fruit of scripture plays a role in discernment I think.
We know who is in Christ and who are anonymously using a fake name and claiming to be Christian by the fruits they display publicly and while defending any part of scripture as they understand it.
Some bad behavior can be attributed to deep frustration in dealing with someone who may actually be goading that person to lose their temper. And resort to name calling and the like. That's called trolling. And again, that's evidence, by that fruit, that this is not a Christian behavior.
Some just tire of jackasses and figure they'll in the moment be bi-lingual and speak their language in order to get through and to be on equal footing in that regard with said jackass.
We defend what we know, when we really are Christian, because we first believe our eternal soul lives the truth of what we believe.
When someone questions that, it is as if they're implying the charge , we may not be heaven bound as we thought. Some of us can get heated at that implication. No pun intended.
Who knows? It's the Internet. Don't take it personally.
And if you encounter a real piece of rude work try this, which was discussed in a different thread. If you read someone who gets really rude with you just read their reply again and add, "in bed." Try it and you'll likely laugh rather than get angry.
"You're an idiot. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Try and read your bible some time pal and you won't look so stupid in this forum!"
"You're an idiot. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Try and read your bible some time pal and you won't look so stupid in this forum........in bed."
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