After 6 days of making everything, God instituted the Sabbath. It was not a Jewish law because at this point, Jews did not exist. The reason for this seventh day rest is because one gets tired after working 6 days in a row. It is a God-ordained day of rest.
Entering God's salvation-rest is about accepting Christ's atonement as our only basis of acceptance by God. It is about ceasing from trying to obey or please God, and thus being accepted by Him, by our own efforts, or works.
If one thinks that they are 99% accepted by Christ's atonement, but the other 1% is due to their own effort, perhaps because it just isn't fair that you get off completely scot-free, then at this point, one has entered into unbelief. Our salvation is by faith alone(true faith is always followed by works), and even this faith is a gift from God, "lest any man should boast."
I "observe" the Sabbath only because I believe it's God's idea and if it's His idea, then it would be smart for me to listen to Him. It has nothing to do with being saved or not. We are under the new covenant, not the old.
I am accepted unconditionally by Father God because of what Christ did. And this is His idea, not mine. I've arrived at this place through many years of bible study, soul-searching, and repentance. I believe this is working out one's salvation. And I'm not saying I've arrived or I'm perfect, because I'm not.
This journey began for me when, after earnestly seeking Him for 4 months, He gave me a revelation, in a vision, of His unconditional love for me. It was the best day of my life. The day I met my Father. My heart glowed from this experience for years. Every time I opened my mouth, I talked about it.
The beautiful thing is that He doesn't play favorites when it comes to His love for His children. If you are in Christ, this is for you too!
I am adopted through faith in Christ. He is my Father and I am His son...for eternity. I can do whatever I want, if I so chose, as I have free will, but He will discipline me.
Entering God's salvation-rest is about accepting Christ's atonement as our only basis of acceptance by God. It is about ceasing from trying to obey or please God, and thus being accepted by Him, by our own efforts, or works.
If one thinks that they are 99% accepted by Christ's atonement, but the other 1% is due to their own effort, perhaps because it just isn't fair that you get off completely scot-free, then at this point, one has entered into unbelief. Our salvation is by faith alone(true faith is always followed by works), and even this faith is a gift from God, "lest any man should boast."
I "observe" the Sabbath only because I believe it's God's idea and if it's His idea, then it would be smart for me to listen to Him. It has nothing to do with being saved or not. We are under the new covenant, not the old.
I am accepted unconditionally by Father God because of what Christ did. And this is His idea, not mine. I've arrived at this place through many years of bible study, soul-searching, and repentance. I believe this is working out one's salvation. And I'm not saying I've arrived or I'm perfect, because I'm not.
This journey began for me when, after earnestly seeking Him for 4 months, He gave me a revelation, in a vision, of His unconditional love for me. It was the best day of my life. The day I met my Father. My heart glowed from this experience for years. Every time I opened my mouth, I talked about it.
The beautiful thing is that He doesn't play favorites when it comes to His love for His children. If you are in Christ, this is for you too!
I am adopted through faith in Christ. He is my Father and I am His son...for eternity. I can do whatever I want, if I so chose, as I have free will, but He will discipline me.
Domestic views of scripture are expedient for kings and for rulers who want to subjugate the people.
God gave the Jews the Law of the Sabbath as a type and shadow of the reality of heaven. It was a call into the 7th Day as an eternal pattern of living. God did not get tired from His labor. He rested on the 7th day to establish the economy by which men would live: in rest. God continues to rest to this day and He invites all men into this same rest through Christ. Rest is a lifestyle of the sons of God wherein they only do what they see the Father doing. In rest, man puts down his own work and picks up the works of the Father that have been prepared for him in Christ.
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