Greetings Dan,
I think you and DeighAnn are in agreement on the core issues.
Greetings DeighAnn,
I assure you, you already have the Law in your heart ( you will see what I mean), but to actually have particulars articulated in writing makes it very exciting and even more important; a second witness to what the Holy Spirit has put in your heart and mind.
For example; In Deuteronomy (Second Law) chapter one (Verse 3, King James Version) “And it came to pass ... that Moses spake unto the children of Israel according to ______ that the Lord had given him in _________________________ unto ________".
There is so much in Deuteronomy. I think Moses gave Israel all this information/commandments over several days in speeches. The setting is that after the 40 years in the wilderness they were camped at the edge of the Jordan river poised to enter the promised land. Think about that for a minute. This is why Moses was going over the laws again, to remind them how to govern themselves, their animals, their neighbors, their neighbors animals, their children, their parents, their businesses and government and dealings with other nations, and so much more!
There are qualifications For Leadership. In Deuteronomy 1:13 Moses gave three qualifications for elected leaders:
a. __ __ __ __.
b. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
c. __ __ __ __ __.
Then in In verses 16 and 18, Moses used the words "at that time." "That time" is recorded in Exodus 18:13-27. Four additional qualifications for leaders are listed. They are:
a. __ __ __ __ MEN
b. Such as __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
c. MEN of __ __ __ __ __.
d. Hating __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
Wouldn't we do well to follow these today!

I hope you don't mind the fill in the blanks. Tell me if you do.