The more you post the more you prove you have no idea about what true grace believers believe.
What made you think I was trying to speak to the subject of "true grace"?
You cant wait till judgment day? Niether can we. As paul said, to be absent from the ody is to be present with the Lord. I only pray you HAD that assurance.
No need for you to pray for me to have that assurance. But if you feel led please do. I do not understand how after all these posts you do not comprehend. But for the sake of saving time for now and hopefully for always, I received that assurance same as you. I myself do not question the GRACE OF GOD. God gives to whom ever He wants and by what measure He wants, I myself do not judge Gods servants, you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, as did I. I repented and I was baptized, same flesh death, same rising to spiritual life led by the Holy Spirit., a new creature spirit led, my past sins forgiven. Is there something within here that would rob me of my assurance?
How you can believe in NOSAS and not be scared for your eternity simply amazes me.
Most likely it would., but I have read and studied much of the book and the Grace given me by God has never even hinted at a different way. I do not question the Grace of God. I love and accept the gifts of God happily and without question. I must admit, I am not a prodigal son, I have never turned my back on the Lord. and I have never questioned my eternal status, and have in fact only been made more secure in its fact through my study of the Word. When the books are opened, yes, books, bad books and good book, I know all my sins have been blotted out and I only look forward to the good book. Is there something within here that would rob me of my eternal status?
And do not strt your we love sin, and hate being obedient crap. Thats a lie.
You do know why we think you hate being obedient right? Just in case I will explain. It is most natural for the flesh body to be angry, uncivil, disobedient. The law written upon our hearts confirms it for all of us just the same. When every single approach to all who oppose you comes from a very flesh place, we can see it is not your spirit leading you. As such, you are not being obedient to the Holy Spirit and hence it comes across as if you love sin. Even when admonished by brothers with love, there is no signs what so ever of a contrite spirit. There are no messages of love just condemnation. How do you lead others to the Lord by brow beating them. Do you see this as the way of the Lord. Do you think I do not do this with a hope and a prayer for you, NOT to see it my way, but to find a different way for yourself so that others see the light shinning from within you. Just so you can be sure, these feelings have been mine since way before the internet. Anything to keep me from going on to my Lord and Savior here?
And we are quite frankly getting sick of hearing this non truth about Gods true children. Who not only LOVE GOD but in FAITH seek to love and serve him and serve others.
To seek after the things of the spirit. And in doing so. KNOW we will not succumb to the lusts of the flesh.
I was going to break this down but I feel there is just a typo word mix up kinda thing going on, and I might get a but unruly if I continue here.
You all think you do that bt following the law. Taking Gods law outside its purpose and thinking it is what makes you so righteous,, and boasting how thankful your not like “us sinners”!
Would you prefer we do it by following Satans example? Of course we follow the law. We like the law. We like not only law we like law and order. We know God likes law and order. God set up His entire creation based upon law and order. Without law is chaos, God is not the God of chaos. All the heavens and the earth live by law and order. Math science, nature, all of it. We are born in sin. When we were baptized into the Spirit led life we did not become all wise, we did not become suddenly no longer a soul and spirit that would never sin again. No, we took on help of the Spirit to turn from fleshly sin and be led by spiritual righteousness., the Holy Spirit. Baptism is not a "miracle" dunk. It is a proclamation to the world of your love and acceptance of Christ. We set our feet upon a path, we are on a road, a progress towards perfection. When we stumble and start to fall He catches us, when we can't go it on our own He carries us, when we need correction He takes care of that too!! Just like any father who so loves His child would. Being baptized doesn't "implant" the Word of God in our brains. It implants the Spirit in our hearts. The wish to follow Christ and live as He lived. Does something here take away my salvation?
You may feel I am taking Gods Law outside its purpose but I am not trying to put it out. Without Gods law in every area of life, there is no life. That is just a basic fact. ALL LIFE IS DEPENDANT ON GODS LAWS..
Not like us sinners, all of us are sinners. I feel stupid writing it. Anything suggesting I "make" my own righteousness?
Well yeah, we can not wait until judgment day. We just pray God does not tell so many, he never knew them because they THOUGHT they were so obedient doing all these works of CHrist in his name, yet as it turned out. All they did was practice unrighteousness, Because they NEvER came to saving faith
I went to school for lots of years and I left my schoolmaster behind. None of my teaching. That all stayed with me. Just as the study of the laws gave me guidance and direction, not to mention an open door to my Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name thy kingdom com THY WILL be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses or debts how ever you read it as we forgive others who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the power and thee kingdom and the glory forever and ever amen.
The laws bring about love, and peace and harmony, and trust, and self control, and right thinking and we are perfected through them. We come to the same saving faith. You don't like it, I don't know why. You don't believe me when I say I find peace and joy in them. When I say I like them. They are so light I barely have to even think about them anymore. They have become a part of me. My flesh so rarely even asks for anything anymore. My walk it easy. Do you see anything in the way I am led of God that would preclude me from the gifts of the Father?
The laws you have seem to be much more strict than the ones I follow. They are so intolerant of anything outside of the circle. And severe penalties imposed by breaking them. The way they force you to approach other believers is "less than ideal" The ones I follow are full of forgiveness at any and every moment. They not only free me, but they free me instantly. I have no doubt.
I am not going to read this over as I think I have gotten the "basics" out and am sure I made some mistakes. If it is not a huge one and common sense covers it, cool. That is all I wanted to do.
The more you post the more you prove you have no idea about what true grace believers believe.
What made you think I was trying to speak to the subject of "true grace"?
You cant wait till judgment day? Niether can we. As paul said, to be absent from the ody is to be present with the Lord. I only pray you HAD that assurance.
No need for you to pray for me to have that assurance. But if you feel led please do. I do not understand how after all these posts you do not comprehend. But for the sake of saving time for now and hopefully for always, I received that assurance same as you. I myself do not question the GRACE OF GOD. God gives to whom ever He wants and by what measure He wants, I myself do not judge Gods servants, you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, as did I. I repented and I was baptized, same flesh death, same rising to spiritual life led by the Holy Spirit., a new creature spirit led, my past sins forgiven. Is there something within here that would rob me of my assurance?
How you can believe in NOSAS and not be scared for your eternity simply amazes me.
Most likely it would., but I have read and studied much of the book and the Grace given me by God has never even hinted at a different way. I do not question the Grace of God. I love and accept the gifts of God happily and without question. I must admit, I am not a prodigal son, I have never turned my back on the Lord. and I have never questioned my eternal status, and have in fact only been made more secure in its fact through my study of the Word. When the books are opened, yes, books, bad books and good book, I know all my sins have been blotted out and I only look forward to the good book. Is there something within here that would rob me of my eternal status?
And do not strt your we love sin, and hate being obedient crap. Thats a lie.
You do know why we think you hate being obedient right? Just in case I will explain. It is most natural for the flesh body to be angry, uncivil, disobedient. The law written upon our hearts confirms it for all of us just the same. When every single approach to all who oppose you comes from a very flesh place, we can see it is not your spirit leading you. As such, you are not being obedient to the Holy Spirit and hence it comes across as if you love sin. Even when admonished by brothers with love, there is no signs what so ever of a contrite spirit. There are no messages of love just condemnation. How do you lead others to the Lord by brow beating them. Do you see this as the way of the Lord. Do you think I do not do this with a hope and a prayer for you, NOT to see it my way, but to find a different way for yourself so that others see the light shinning from within you. Just so you can be sure, these feelings have been mine since way before the internet. Anything to keep me from going on to my Lord and Savior here?
And we are quite frankly getting sick of hearing this non truth about Gods true children. Who not only LOVE GOD but in FAITH seek to love and serve him and serve others.
To seek after the things of the spirit. And in doing so. KNOW we will not succumb to the lusts of the flesh.
I was going to break this down but I feel there is just a typo word mix up kinda thing going on, and I might get a but unruly if I continue here.
You all think you do that bt following the law. Taking Gods law outside its purpose and thinking it is what makes you so righteous,, and boasting how thankful your not like “us sinners”!
Would you prefer we do it by following Satans example? Of course we follow the law. We like the law. We like not only law we like law and order. We know God likes law and order. God set up His entire creation based upon law and order. Without law is chaos, God is not the God of chaos. All the heavens and the earth live by law and order. Math science, nature, all of it. We are born in sin. When we were baptized into the Spirit led life we did not become all wise, we did not become suddenly no longer a soul and spirit that would never sin again. No, we took on help of the Spirit to turn from fleshly sin and be led by spiritual righteousness., the Holy Spirit. Baptism is not a "miracle" dunk. It is a proclamation to the world of your love and acceptance of Christ. We set our feet upon a path, we are on a road, a progress towards perfection. When we stumble and start to fall He catches us, when we can't go it on our own He carries us, when we need correction He takes care of that too!! Just like any father who so loves His child would. Being baptized doesn't "implant" the Word of God in our brains. It implants the Spirit in our hearts. The wish to follow Christ and live as He lived. Does something here take away my salvation?
You may feel I am taking Gods Law outside its purpose but I am not trying to put it out. Without Gods law in every area of life, there is no life. That is just a basic fact. ALL LIFE IS DEPENDANT ON GODS LAWS..
Not like us sinners, all of us are sinners. I feel stupid writing it. Anything suggesting I "make" my own righteousness?
Well yeah, we can not wait until judgment day. We just pray God does not tell so many, he never knew them because they THOUGHT they were so obedient doing all these works of CHrist in his name, yet as it turned out. All they did was practice unrighteousness, Because they NEvER came to saving faith
I went to school for lots of years and I left my schoolmaster behind. None of my teaching. That all stayed with me. Just as the study of the laws gave me guidance and direction, not to mention an open door to my Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name thy kingdom com THY WILL be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses or debts how ever you read it as we forgive others who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the power and thee kingdom and the glory forever and ever amen.
The laws bring about love, and peace and harmony, and trust, and self control, and right thinking and we are perfected through them. We come to the same saving faith. You don't like it, I don't know why. You don't believe me when I say I find peace and joy in them. When I say I like them. They are so light I barely have to even think about them anymore. They have become a part of me. My flesh so rarely even asks for anything anymore. My walk it easy. Do you see anything in the way I am led of God that would preclude me from the gifts of the Father?
The laws you have seem to be much more strict than the ones I follow. They are so intolerant of anything outside of the circle. And severe penalties imposed by breaking them. The way they force you to approach other believers is "less than ideal" The ones I follow are full of forgiveness at any and every moment. They not only free me, but they free me instantly. I have no doubt.
I am not going to read this over as I think I have gotten the "basics" out and am sure I made some mistakes. If it is not a huge one and common sense covers it, cool. That is all I wanted to do.
I'm laughing, at our similiar abilites of being "technologically challenged!"
Far as your post goes?
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