Alrighty? Fair enough PH. Fair enough. Jesus "supersedes" the "blood sacrifices" given as "sin offerings" unto God. Just as He, Jesus, "supersedes" any and all of the feasts and celebrations God commanded. Right?
So, Jesus had no
more right, in showing "love" for the Lord His GOD, in the making of a whip, and clearing out "those" in the (then) "Temple of God", who were (obviously) involved in money making schemes, therefore "proclaiming themselves AS God"; Then, we as Christians today,
show our "love"
FOR/TO the Lord
our God, to our "neighbors", by allowing
them in "stablishing
their law", much
for, and
increasingly TO, Christianity's
Which causes me to consider 2 things! (Perhaps, PH, you could help me "untangle" my explanations?)
1) WOW! We as Christians today, must
REALLY, I mean
REALLY "HATE" ourselves, by
allowing our neighbors, to whom we are
to love
as ourselves, carry on in this fashion.
Would it
not be to a
more expedient "stabishing OF the law", and, Loving the Lord our God, with
ALL our strength, in
sending our neighbors
TO God?
Can we no longer HOLD our neighbors to accountability, as we "presumably" hold OURSELVES to this SAME accountability? WE MUST REALLY HATE OURSELVES, when we are no longer able to show "Tough LOVE" to our "neighbors!", To me, anyway. This shows that "our neighbors" want Christendom to
prove "Unconditional Love"
to THEM, and
follow them as they keep going deeper into "the pit", that
Has NO bottom!
It's GOT to STOP! Unconditional love, has run amuck! Our "neighbors" are taking all the "fruit of the Spirit", as it can get, with it! Sounds like a "plague" of "locusts", at best. More like though, in these end times, the "locust army!" Tree of knowledge, of good and evil? Nebacanezzers dream, of the "statue" with "feet of clay?" (man is "made of clay", are we not?) The "number of a "man!" As it states in Revelation.
2) Apostasy! Via traditions of man, has given cause in its
own perpetuations, in "throwing the Father
out, after the cleansing blood of the Lamb!" In essence, and much more so in practice, in
REPLACING the Father
WITH the Son! Showing just how true the words Jude stated in His book.
4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.
Are we so blind that we cannot
see the
comparison of the "beast which ascendeth out of the bottomless pit", that
hods us in the
same EXACT bondage, the children of Israel were
under in Egypt?
It is my belief, that there
are other people, who see this as I do. And, striving, oh so strenuously
striving, in "spiritually sacrificing" in their
seeking out OF/FOR the Father! Because, they/I are not
seeing the Father
IN "the Jesus" that is taught in today's Christendom. Because? After
2,000 YEARS?
law? Is STILL not "stablished!"
So, are we
really loving the Lord our God, with all our "strength?" Or, are we going to allow this locust army in its relentlessly "stripping away" all the "fruit of the Spirit?" So that the "law" may
never be