But Jesus is never said to have screamed.
ESV Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus
cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" that is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
- to cry out with a great/intense/unusual sound/voice (BDAG Lexicon)
ESV Hebrews 5:7 In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications,
with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.
- loud: strong, violent, loud, mighty (BDAG)
- cries: 1. a loud cry or call, shout lit. a. shout(ing), b. a loud (articulate) cry 2. outcry in grief or anxiety, wailing, crying (BDAG); κραυγή, ἡ, (κράζω) a crying, screaming, shrieking, shouting, Lat. clamor, Eur., Xen. (Liddell Scott
YLT Psalm 22:1 To the Overseer, on 'The Hind of the Morning.' -- A Psalm of David. My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? Far from my salvation, The words of my
Koehler-Baumgartner, Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the OT (HALOT)
שְׁאָגָה: שׁאג, Bauer-Leander Heb. 463u; Ug. tÑigt Dietrich-Loretz-Sanmartin Texte 1, 14:iii:16, variant tÑiqt v:8, the bellowing of a bull (Gordon Textbook §19:2627; Aistleitner Wb. 2448; Gibson Myths2 160a; cf. Fisher Parallels 1: p. 376, no. 595

cstr. שַׁאֲגַת, sf. שַׁאֲגָתִי, pl. sf. שַׁאֲגֹתָֽי.
roaring of a lion Is 529 Ezk 197 Zech 113 Jb 410.
screaming (of someone who has been challenged) Ps 222 323 Jb 324.
—3. expressions: a) as 1: with קוֹל Ezk 197 Zech 112, אַרְיֵה שַׁאֲגַת parallel with קוֹל שָֽׁחַל Jb 410; b( as 2: דִּבְרֵי שַׁאֲגָתִי Ps 222, with ) נָתַןsbj. (שַׁאֲגֹתָֽי Jb 324. †
Brown, Driver, Briggs, Hebrew and English Lexicon (Unabridged)
BDB 9580 שְׁאָגָה ]9581) [Hebrew( (page 980) (Strong 7581)
† שְׁאָגָה n. f.
roaring;—1. like lion, abs. שׁ׳: Is 5:29 )of invaders); of lion, cstr. שַׁאֲגַת Zc 11:3, Jb 4:10 (fig. of wicked), sf. קוֹל שַׁאֲגָתוֹ Ez 19:7 (fig. of conquering king). 2.
human cry in distress, שַׁאֲגְתִי Psalm 32:3, דִּבְרֵי שׁ׳: 22:2, שַׁאֲגֹתָ֑י Jb 3:24.
Holladay, Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the OT (HOL)
שְׁאָגָה: cs. שַׁאֲגַת, sf. שַׁאֲגָתִי; pl. sf. שַׁאֲגֹתַי: — 1.
roaring (of lion) Is 529; — 2.
bawling, groaning (of s.one praying) Ps 222, pl. Jb 324. (pg 355)
Harris, et als, Theological Wordbook of the OT
2300.0 ) שָׁאַגsh¹°ag(
)2300aשְׁאָגָה ( (sh®°¹gâ)
Roaring. This feminine noun is used to refer to roaring literally or figuratively.
Of special interest is Psa 22, , which, along with Isa 53, , so well foretells the Messiah's suffering. Here in Psa 22:1 [H 2] the Messiah asks the Father why he is so "far from helping me, from the words of my roaring?" The Messiah-it must be answered-is roaring, groaning, as did David in Psa 38:8 [H 9] (sh¹°ag, see above), because of his estrangement from the Father or his abandonment to judgment upon the cross (see ±¹zab) as he bore the sins of many (Mt 27:46). G.G.C.
I am poured out like water, and
all my bones are out of joint;
my heart is like wax; it is melted within my breast;
15 my strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue sticks to my jaws; you lay me in the dust of death.
16 For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers encircles me;
they have pierced my hands and feet--
I can count all my bones-- they stare and gloat over me;
18 they divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots. (Ps. 22:14-18 ESV)
Jesus is never said to have screamed?" Seriously?
You probably should display some humility and admit your error.
Along with the above, it may also help you to read a description of what happens to the human body in crucifixion. It's horrendous.
Then there's the reality that Jesus who had never been without our Father in a way that none of us can begin to fathom, was forsaken/ abandoned/deserted/left behind by Him for the first and only time in His existence. Unimaginable.
I can barely get through this Scripture apart from tears welling up.
Shame on you.