Mr. Studer wrote:
John 14:17
What the purpose of all this?
I've been told in an open forum and thus others have been told that John 14:17 tells us the the Jews, OT saints - had or were influenced by the Holy Spirit.
John 14:17 does not tell us this.
John 14:17 is not speaking about OT saints - Jews - Israel. John 14:17 is speaking about the Apostles of Jesus Christ who were in the room with Jesus Christ at the last Passover meal before He was crucified.
Jesus said the Helper/the Spirit of Truth stays/is staying with the Apostles and will be in them
Jesus referred to those outside that room as "the world" that is not able to receive this Helper/Spirit of Truth because it does not see or know it/Him.
To apply this to anyone outside the room requires different or more Scripture.
At best I'd consider the application to other believers at the time.
There are a few ways to classify these present tense verbs re: the world not seeing or knowing this Helper/Spirit of Truth who Jesus has not yet asked for but who may well in a sense be already staying alongside the Apostles and will be in them in the future.
For me, FWIW, I'm continually wrestling with how time is at times seemingly irrelevant to Jesus and how there really is no ultimate distinction between the members of the Godhead. Jesus may very well be saying the other Helper/Spirit of Truth is was staying alongside the Apostles at that time because He - Jesus - the Helper/the Spirit of Truth - or He with the Spirit was staying alongside the Apostles at that time.
John's writings are well known to leave us with these types of considerations
Apologies for any typos as I'm not proofreading for them.
(cut to save space)
If you were more self-aware of your proclivity for long-winded fluff posts, you'd be apologizing instead for causing the possible death of some poor, unsuspecting reader due to acute boredom. But the good news is that your posts have given me an idea that they might well be useful for curing chronic cases of insomnia. I'm thinking of shipping some of your tomes off to John Hopkins or some other medical research facility so doctors can perform controlled lab tests. I might actually get rich off of you.
What follows is my short list that speaks to the conspicuous presence of the Holy Spirit in the OT, and most particularly to the prominent historical role He played in in the lives of God's covenant people. This list is by no means exhaustive but it serves the purpose to prove that the Holy Spirit was most assuredly
"with" God's chosen covenant people in the same way he was with Christ's disciples prior to the Cross and Pentecost.
Moreover, it's clear that Jesus considered John the Baptist to be the greatest among the OT prophets. Who else could Jesus have been implicitly comparing him to after the 400+ silent years that extended from Malachi to Christ's first advent (Lk 7:26-28)?
And what's with the inane question you asked about Judas, as though he presented some kind of problem? If you knew your bible, you'd know that the Spirit of the Lord in the OT was not necessarily given as a permanent influence to God's OC people, as He is to His NC people. Since Judas betrayed Christ, became possessed by the devil and hanged himself all prior to the Cross, then the Spirit very likely departed from him to make way for Satan's influence -- following the OT pattern. "Problem" solved!

Below is the list.
1. Spirit Breathed Life into Adam (Gen 2:7)
2. The Spirit Departed from Adam (logically inferred) on the day he sinned and died spiritually (Gen 2:17)
3. The Spirit was recognized and acknowledged by men (Gen 41:38)
4. The Spirit Strove with Sinners (Gen 6:3)
5. The Spirit Gave Special Ability to Select Individuals (Ex 31:1-3; 35:30-31)
6. The Spirit Came Upon Israel's 70 Elders (Num 11:25-29)
7. The Spirit Gave Extraordinary Powers to God's Leaders, Prophets and Judges (Josha, cp Num 27:18; Othniel, Judg 3:9-10; Gideon, Jud 6:34; Jephthah, Jud 11:29; Samson, Jud 14:5-6; Saul, 1Sam 10:9-13)
8. The Spirit Departed from Disobedient Saul (1Sam 16:14)
9. The Spirit Departed from Unfaithful Samson (Jud 16:20)
10. The Spirit Protected David from king Saul (1Sam 19:20-21)
11. The Spirit Inspired King David (2Sam 23:2)
12. The Spirit Came Upon David's Mighty Men (1Chron 12:18)
13. The (S)pirit of Elijah was given to his Successor Elisha (2Ki 2:9-15).
14. King David Prayed that the Spirit not be Taken from Him (Ps 51:11)
15. The Spirit Guided the Prophets (Ezek 2:2)
16. The Spirit Inspired Holiness (Ps 143:10)
17. The Spirit Instructed God's Covenant People (Neh 9:20)
18. As Water is Poured out on Thirsty Ground, so God Poured his Spirit out on Israel's Offspring (Isa 44:1-3).
19. The Spirit was Grieved by God's Covenant people (Isa 63:10)
20. The Spirit Guided His Covenant People Into the Promised Land (Isa 63:11-14)
21. The Spirit was Among the Post-Babylonian Exiles who Rebuilt the Temple (Hag 2:3-5)
22. The Spirit Came Upon Zechariah (2Chron24:20)
23. The Lord Promised Zerubbabel Victory Over His Enemies by His Spirit (Zech 4:6)
24. The Spirit was "WITH" John the Baptist in a Very Special Way even Before Birth (Lk 1:15)
25. John the Baptist also had Elihah's "(S)pirit and Power" (Lk 1:17)
26. The Spirit, too, was "WITH" Elizabeth (Lk 1:41)
27. The Spirit Lived With Christ's Disciples (Jn 14:17)
Now that you think you have mastered Koine Greek, I would suggest that you make becoming acquainted with the bible your next mission in life. No reasonable person can deduce from the OT that the Holy Spirit didn't play a very significant role in the lives of God's covenant people -- being "with" them every step of the way right up to the Cross and Pentecost.