you obviously have no idea what most others believe being concerned only with the spread of your false gospel of Calvinism saves
Calvinism is the Gospel for in it is found the truth that salvation belongs to the Lord and not the choice of men, and those who consistently and continually argue against its truths simply prove that they are not yet humbled by God to see their desperate need of grace found only in the person ands work of Christ and foolishly still cling to their idolatry of will worship not realising that the longer they live and the more Scripture they hear only makes them more accountable before God and serves to fatten them up for His perfectly good, holy, righteous and just slaughter should they die in their sin and prove themselves to be reprobates, eternally and justly hated by God.
You should be thankful to God that He has used someone to love you enough to warn you in telling you this truth.