Matt 26:14-16 Papermonkey, Satan actually entered Judas twice!!! (Luke 22:3 and John 13:27) two different events! So, if we believe the Bible the scriptures make it very clear that Judas did indeed betray.
I disagree with their narrative.
Satan conspired with the Father to test Job's faith in a wager in the Old Testament.
If Satan was responsible for Judas actions in turning Jesus over to the Sanhedrin, then it was Satan again serving God's will. And Judas being possessed was not responsible. Which can be why when he realized what happened to Jesus due to Satan is why he hanged himself. Because he was a tool used by Satan to fulfill Jesus purpose on Earth, though that may not have crossed Judas' mind at the time.
Also, the Disciples were servants, students, of Jesus.
How does the enemy enter in without his knowledge?
In this case, if we believe Judas was possessed, he doesn't.
Which would make sense then as to why Jesus commanded Satan to quickly do what he must do.
Just my 2 cents.
There is nothing that happens in God's creation that he does not know or control.