If it came to you from God, it's a gift from God. No need to very carefully be sure and not call it a gift. All that comes to us from God is a gift from God.
The gift is the gift of the Holy Spirit. The manifestations are evidences of that singular gift.
Magenta gave the verse telling us to one is given this manifestation/gift and to another a different one. There is no way to understand plain english and change the meaning of "to one is given" to "to all are given." They are all the same Holy Spirit which we all have, but different manifestations/ gifts.
Manifestations are not gifts. They are manifestations.
Going back to the light bulb analogy, the gift is the light bulb. It's two manifestations are light and heat. If I never turn on the light, I will never experience its manifestations. But I still have the gift, the light bulb.
And it's true that in the church (the overall context of 1 Cor 12-14), not everyone operates all the manifestations. If they did, the meeting would never end. It's also true that different Christians excel at different manifestations. But I don't think we can ignore these two scripture:
1 Cor 12:
7) But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
1 Cor 14:
5) I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.
God, through Paul, would like every Christian to speak in tongues, and prophesy.
And it would be appalling for me to receive one of these manifestations/gifts and then accuse all who didn't receive the same exact manifestation/gift as I did of being unsaved and without the Spirit.
Again, we received the gift, we operate the manifestations of that gift.
Kelby did not accuse you of being unsaved. I believe he is wrong to suggest that a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit after he is saved.