Those are good questions—hard—but good. I will try my best to give you book, chapter, and verse for my answers.
I checked my Bible app to be sure I got all God has to say about this so I will give you all the info I have on hand. My first thought was that only the saved got their names in the Book of life and that the unsaved have never had theirs there. Revelation 13:8 seems to suggest that to me—“all who dwell on the earth will worship him ( Satan) whose names HAVE NOT BEEN WRITTEN IN THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE.” BUT, then I read Psalms 69:28. It seems to be talking about very wicked people and David says, “Let them be blotted out of the book of the living.” So that makes me wonder if all people start out in the book of the living (as babies) and then If they are wicked, God blots them out. But that raises MORE questions. At what time in their life are they blotted out? When they die or before? And are there 2 books—1) book of the living ( on earth) where everyone who has ever been born has their name recorded and another 2) book called the Book of Life (eternal life) where only the saved are listed. Truthfully, I don’t know. Here are some other scriptures that talk about the “Book of Life.”
Philippians 4:3
Revelation 3:5
Revelation 17:8
Revelation 20:12-15
Revelation 21:7
Revelation 22:19
When I don’t know the answer to a question, I always fall back on Deuteronomy 29:29–“ The SECRET things belong to God, but the things revealed belong to us and our children.” 😂. I guess God hasn’t told us everything. But I believe He has told us all we NEED to know.
To question # 1, technically no. Babies are pure and sinless and have not been “saved” by God’s plan of salvation but if they die while still in this “safe” state, they will be saved and inherit eternal life just like an adult who was saved and has been faithful to God all his life. King David had an infant son who died when he was just 7 days old. 2 Samuel 12:23. David said, I shall go to him; but he shall not return to me.” But I know you are asking about adults and I would have to say, no. One does not have to be saved first to be ineligible for eternal life. Mark 16:16 Jesus said that to be saved, a person must believe and be baptized. Or they will be condemned. It follows that a person who never does this 1) has never been saved and 2) will be condemned. Also, you have atheist who go their whole life and never believe in God or His Son Jesus. Hebrews 11:6 says without faith it is impossible to please God and John 8:24 says unless a person believes in God they will die in their sins. These people were NEVER SAVED and missed heaven, so no, these people did not have to be saved first in order to miss eternal life.
And to the last question-can someone who has not repented and rejected Christ miss eternal life. YES! Luke 13:3,5 Jesus says if you don’t repent you will PERISH. Acts 17:30 God commands EVERYONE TO REPENT. And, again, John 8:24 specifically says if you don’t believe in Jesus you will die in your sins and that is the same as being lost and missing heaven. John 12:48 Jesus says “He who rejects me and does not receive my words has that which will judge him—the word that I speak will judge him in the last day (judgement). I’m sure I have not exhausted every scripture on thus ; I will have to do some more studying; but I hope this helps. Thank you for your encouragement.
I checked my Bible app to be sure I got all God has to say about this so I will give you all the info I have on hand. My first thought was that only the saved got their names in the Book of life and that the unsaved have never had theirs there. Revelation 13:8 seems to suggest that to me—“all who dwell on the earth will worship him ( Satan) whose names HAVE NOT BEEN WRITTEN IN THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE.” BUT, then I read Psalms 69:28. It seems to be talking about very wicked people and David says, “Let them be blotted out of the book of the living.” So that makes me wonder if all people start out in the book of the living (as babies) and then If they are wicked, God blots them out. But that raises MORE questions. At what time in their life are they blotted out? When they die or before? And are there 2 books—1) book of the living ( on earth) where everyone who has ever been born has their name recorded and another 2) book called the Book of Life (eternal life) where only the saved are listed. Truthfully, I don’t know. Here are some other scriptures that talk about the “Book of Life.”
Philippians 4:3
Revelation 3:5
Revelation 17:8
Revelation 20:12-15
Revelation 21:7
Revelation 22:19
When I don’t know the answer to a question, I always fall back on Deuteronomy 29:29–“ The SECRET things belong to God, but the things revealed belong to us and our children.” 😂. I guess God hasn’t told us everything. But I believe He has told us all we NEED to know.
To question # 1, technically no. Babies are pure and sinless and have not been “saved” by God’s plan of salvation but if they die while still in this “safe” state, they will be saved and inherit eternal life just like an adult who was saved and has been faithful to God all his life. King David had an infant son who died when he was just 7 days old. 2 Samuel 12:23. David said, I shall go to him; but he shall not return to me.” But I know you are asking about adults and I would have to say, no. One does not have to be saved first to be ineligible for eternal life. Mark 16:16 Jesus said that to be saved, a person must believe and be baptized. Or they will be condemned. It follows that a person who never does this 1) has never been saved and 2) will be condemned. Also, you have atheist who go their whole life and never believe in God or His Son Jesus. Hebrews 11:6 says without faith it is impossible to please God and John 8:24 says unless a person believes in God they will die in their sins. These people were NEVER SAVED and missed heaven, so no, these people did not have to be saved first in order to miss eternal life.
And to the last question-can someone who has not repented and rejected Christ miss eternal life. YES! Luke 13:3,5 Jesus says if you don’t repent you will PERISH. Acts 17:30 God commands EVERYONE TO REPENT. And, again, John 8:24 specifically says if you don’t believe in Jesus you will die in your sins and that is the same as being lost and missing heaven. John 12:48 Jesus says “He who rejects me and does not receive my words has that which will judge him—the word that I speak will judge him in the last day (judgement). I’m sure I have not exhausted every scripture on thus ; I will have to do some more studying; but I hope this helps. Thank you for your encouragement.
i'm gonna say no.
in one is written everyone who has ever lived or will live. in the other is everyone who has life in the Lamb.
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