I'm just going to be blunt. Is everything outside of intercourse sexually immoral in a marriage bed? Please use only Biblical based reasoning (with verses provided) to prove your response. Please no personal opinions.
Hebrews 13:4 (KJV) seems to indicate that the marriage bed is undefiled, meaning anything goes (I assume within reason). Is this the correct interpretation?
"But this I say, brethren, the time is short, so that from now on even those who have wives should be as though they had none," 1 Corinthians 7:29
The believer's duty is to the Lord, not himself. Yes, the marriage bed is undefiled, but that doesn't mean anything goes.
What I'm about to say is my own opinion only. The purpose of sexual relations between men and women in marriage is procreation and intimacy. Under normal circumstances, it also tends to reduce lustful cravings. Sometimes though, people bring into their marriage unhealthy sexual behavior and think it's okay now that they're married. In the above scripture, Paul is saying marriage is not an excuse for unbridled sexual activity; those who are married still have to exercise self-control and make the Lord their first priority.
I knew a guy once who before he got married had a bad porn and self-gratification problem. As soon as he got married he started buying his wife all kinds of "sexy" clothing and lingerie. What he essentially did was trade his porn fantasies for a wife. He was still self-gratifying in his marriage; makes intimacy a little difficult. That's not supposed to be how it works for a believer. Situations like this seldom end well; the man will eventually look for more stimulation outside his marriage.
Use your own discretion. Like many things in the Christian walk, the question must be asked: Does this please the Lord or myself?