This thread is starting to remind me of one time at my job when somebody said, "Hey Isaac, you know computers. What kind of laptop should I get?"
Normally my first answer is a question, namely what do they want to do with the computer? After a few questions about what they want, I might be able to answer the question.
But before I could say one word, multiple people piped up and started giving their opinions about different brands of computers. Not specific models, just Dell and Acer and HP. All the people giving their opinions so freely had never done anything with a computer except hit the power button and use the browser to go to YouTube, email and Facebook.
Meanwhile I, the one who actually partitioned hard drives, swapped out RAM chips and installed operating systems, was standing in the corner unable to get a word in edgewise.
My point is, there are a lot of single people spouting opinions in a thread with a topic they probably don't know much about. I know the OP bears the bulk of the blame for this, as he put this thread in the singles forum. But that doesn't mean we know anything about it, or that we should glibly give our opinions about it.
Your post has merit; however...
Do you think that it might be possible for someone who has not done the things you have done to still have a valid opinion about computers - based on other related criteria - such as
user experience?
I am quite sure that I have done far more "[high-]tech things" with computers than you have; yet, I still think that there are plenty of other folks (including you) who have insights that other folks may find valuable.
The one that "knows the most" is not always the optimal solution-giver - it depends on what the intent of the question is. If the person who asked it is less interested in the 'tech' details as they are in other factors - well - they may experience "tech-overload" from the information you offer.
Of course, no doubt you could/would/did give them some good and valuable information based on
your experience. Therefore, your opinion would count for something - hopefully, they decided to hear what you had to say - especially, since they specifically asked
you the question.
Nonetheless, my point relative to the thread topic - with regard to what you have said - is this...
is possible that a person (even a single person) who posts in this thread:
~ may have had sexual experience - from which some worthwhile insight may be had.
~ may have health/medical knowledge - from which some worthwhile insight may be had.
~ may have looked into what the Bible says - from which some worthwhile insight may be had.
No-doubt we could add to this list if we thought about it for a while longer.
I would agree that some "very experienced" married folks might have good insights to offer.
Someone who "glibly" gives their opinion may actually know something that has value.
Why throw such a large blanket with the word 'probably'?