The church is the body of born again believers who serve God and his will towards mankind.
Not only behind the pulpit or in the meeting place but have given their lives to God's authority.
Opposing evil, demonstrating kindness and mercy emphasizing love being the greatest gift.
Not willing that any should perish but all come to know Christ Jesus. For this is the heart and work of the father.
It really took me by surprise to see some say that baptism is not necessary....if Jesus included it in the commission then it should be so.
That's not my opinion that's a fact.
Your and my salvation stops at the gate and it's up to the Lord Jesus if you enter in or not. Do you really want to explain why you thought baptism was not necessary when you had every opportunity to be baptized.
Jesus himself being baptized are you above your master? Not saying it's a salvation issue but then again Jesus made it a issue.
Not only behind the pulpit or in the meeting place but have given their lives to God's authority.
Opposing evil, demonstrating kindness and mercy emphasizing love being the greatest gift.
Not willing that any should perish but all come to know Christ Jesus. For this is the heart and work of the father.
It really took me by surprise to see some say that baptism is not necessary....if Jesus included it in the commission then it should be so.
That's not my opinion that's a fact.
Your and my salvation stops at the gate and it's up to the Lord Jesus if you enter in or not. Do you really want to explain why you thought baptism was not necessary when you had every opportunity to be baptized.
Jesus himself being baptized are you above your master? Not saying it's a salvation issue but then again Jesus made it a issue.
You answered your own question.
The issue is that the Bible does not explain a doctrine in detail in one passage, so it is necessary to connect dots.
"That's not my opinion that's a fact." :^)
The truth is that the Lord's Supper and water baptism are optional rites that are meaningful traditions, not sacraments,
and although most Christians want to observe them, they are not part of the kerygma, so we should not be anal
(perhaps legalistic is a more biblical term) about them.