When we are born again, by the sovereign grace of God, we are given the imputed righteousness of Christ. which is the wedding garment. Most of God's born again people are still babes in Christ, without the knowledge that they have the imputed righteousness of Christ, and are going about trying to establish their own righteousness by their works of the old law. These born again christians are who Christ told his Apostles to go and preach to, when he instructed them to go and preach to the lost sheep (born again children) of the house of Israel, All of the elect are called, but few of the elect are chosen to be revealed the truth of the doctrine of Christ. Romans 8:28-39. Matt 7:13-14, Those elect that go into the wide gate are the babes in Christ (the many called) who are depending upon their good works to get them to heaven, and those that go into the straight gate are the elect (few chosen) that have the knowledge of the righteousness of Christ. Both of the gates are children of God who Christ died for and have an eternal inheritance of heaven.