The Bible often hints that God's Word and ways cannot be understood by the human intellect. Neither the Jews, who were religious, nor the Greeks, who were intellectual, were able to understand God's Word. In fact, the Jews who had His Word were the ones who understood it the least. In light of these facts, christians should not assume that since we have a bigger Bible than they did in the past (we have the NT added), we can understand it better.
The average Bible has about 1,200 pages. A 16GB flash drive can hold 300,000 pages of Word documents. God wrote the Bible in such a way that He condensed 300,000 Word document pages into a flash drive called the Bible. To condense means 'to compress'. The Bible can't be 300,000 literal pages otherwise no one could carry one around, so it has been condensed for the average person. It has to be uncondensed or decompressed in order to read all 300,000 pages. The Bible says repeatedly that human beings don't have the intelligence or wisdom to decompress or interpret the Bible correctly. Before Jesus was crucified, He promised that the Holy Spirit would come whose job it would be to uncondense, decompress, unfold, or reveal the Bible to readers.
In Isaiah 55:8-9, God said, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As high as the heavens are over the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." This should automatically tell us that the Bible requires an Interpreter for us to understand it and that we can't understand most of it through any human wisdom (Lexicons, Concordances, and Commentaries included). In case this doesn't get that point across, Paul explained to the Corinthians that God speaks in such a way that He cannot be understood unless a believer is 'spiritually-minded' or receives his understanding of God and Scriptures from God (the Holy Spirit) Himself.
In 1Corinthians 2, Paul says, "We have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
The human intellect can understand history but can't understand the Bible. Paul said that God gave us His Spirit so we can know (ie. understand, apprehend) the things He gives us. This is because the Holy Spirit interprets God to us just like Jesus once did, because our minds and understanding aren't sharp enough to understand God by ourselves. Paul said he and his brethren/partners/fellow ministers did not talk the way people normally talk but used spiritual words and meanings. He then stated that the carnal/natural man (ie. the intellect) is unable to receive or make sense of spiritual things since spiritual things must be apprehended with spiritual rather than 'carnal' senses. Every christian has a natural/carnal man. Paul was speaking only to believers about believers in that passage.
If christians had more understanding and practice of what Paul was saying, the result would be less arguing and debating among christians and more blessings such as the manifestation and miraculous works of God among christians. Does this make sense to anyone? Do you know what Paul was saying in the passage above and why it's important for christians?
The average Bible has about 1,200 pages. A 16GB flash drive can hold 300,000 pages of Word documents. God wrote the Bible in such a way that He condensed 300,000 Word document pages into a flash drive called the Bible. To condense means 'to compress'. The Bible can't be 300,000 literal pages otherwise no one could carry one around, so it has been condensed for the average person. It has to be uncondensed or decompressed in order to read all 300,000 pages. The Bible says repeatedly that human beings don't have the intelligence or wisdom to decompress or interpret the Bible correctly. Before Jesus was crucified, He promised that the Holy Spirit would come whose job it would be to uncondense, decompress, unfold, or reveal the Bible to readers.
In Isaiah 55:8-9, God said, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As high as the heavens are over the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." This should automatically tell us that the Bible requires an Interpreter for us to understand it and that we can't understand most of it through any human wisdom (Lexicons, Concordances, and Commentaries included). In case this doesn't get that point across, Paul explained to the Corinthians that God speaks in such a way that He cannot be understood unless a believer is 'spiritually-minded' or receives his understanding of God and Scriptures from God (the Holy Spirit) Himself.
In 1Corinthians 2, Paul says, "We have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
The human intellect can understand history but can't understand the Bible. Paul said that God gave us His Spirit so we can know (ie. understand, apprehend) the things He gives us. This is because the Holy Spirit interprets God to us just like Jesus once did, because our minds and understanding aren't sharp enough to understand God by ourselves. Paul said he and his brethren/partners/fellow ministers did not talk the way people normally talk but used spiritual words and meanings. He then stated that the carnal/natural man (ie. the intellect) is unable to receive or make sense of spiritual things since spiritual things must be apprehended with spiritual rather than 'carnal' senses. Every christian has a natural/carnal man. Paul was speaking only to believers about believers in that passage.
If christians had more understanding and practice of what Paul was saying, the result would be less arguing and debating among christians and more blessings such as the manifestation and miraculous works of God among christians. Does this make sense to anyone? Do you know what Paul was saying in the passage above and why it's important for christians?
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